Lichess4545 Ledger 050

Lichess4545 Ledger

Issue #050 - February 26, 2018


State of the League

The reviews of the selected games of team4545 #10 are out! See the Video Section for links and description. In the meantime, the undefeated Piazza.degli.Scacchi keep the lead with the impressive result of 10 wins and 2 draws.

Quick updates on the other leagues:

  • Lonewolf #10: First round has commenced, registration is open for the upcoming rounds.
  • #Blitz-battle: #29 was won by @SergeiAttackov, an almost perfect tournament barring the result where @loukas435 clinched a draw despite his 500 glicko points disadvantage.
  • #Chess-Series #2: Registration is closed, however there are still 3 open spots remaining. For more information, join #series-general on Slack or look at the spreadsheet Link.

    The playoffs for 3 spots in the MASTER (top of the league) category took place last week.

    The winners are: @Assassin_in_White, @journey_to_nm and @OuterHeaven92, whose game is studied by @erinyu below.

    ​Series games begin this week.




by @quirked


Team4545 #10 end of season Reviews Board 5 Lichess4545 S10 Review - Seb32 vs loukas435 Lichess4545 S10 Review - TheRatRiverTrapper vs VicPez

Lichess4545 S10 Review - Board 5
@hsznet vs @RottenPawn C21 Danish Gambit Declined, Sorensen Defense Gamelink.

Identify/solve problems and principles on all stages of the game.

Lichess4545 S10 Review - Board 4
@Seb32 vs @loukas435 B07 Pirc Defense: Byrne Variation Gamelink.

Opposite side castling and how to win a pawn race.

Lichess4545 S10 Review - Board 3
@TheRatRiverTrapper vs @VicPez C06 French Defense: Tarrasch Variation, Closed Variation, Main Line Gamelink.

Opening wizardry in the French Tarrasch.

Lichess4545 S10 Review - fisher56 vs lemonworld Lichess4545 S10 Review - MasterSalomon vs yago666  

Lichess4545 S10 Review - Board 2
@fisher56 vs @lemonworld C95 Ruy Lopez: Morphy Defense, Breyer Defense, Zaitsev Hybrid Gamelink.

Flexibility in the opening, ideas in closed position, how to manage critical positions and risks to play for a win in a drawn positions.

Lichess4545 S10 Review - Board 2
@MasterSalomon vs @yago666 D20 Queen's gGambit Accepted: Central Variation, Rubinstein Defense Gamelink.

Why do we have to prioritize certain candidates moves in our calculations before playing anything?



One last game is yet to be reviewed. Stay tuned on CLTV Youtube page for VODs and streams.



Chess Study

by @erinyu


Series #1 Playoff:

Game for a spot in the MASTER category for season #2 @OuterHeaven92 (1987) vs @ShAlexander (1929)

Click on "Open" to have a better presentation in full screen and see the previous chapters.



Weekly Stats



@aliquantus delights us with an in depth data analysis of the recurrence of players that occurs in Team4545 through the seasons.


Comparison between new players and returning players:

Proportion of returning players:

Individual follow-up (every line is a different player, you can try to find yourself!):



Stats for Rounds 2 of Team (45+45) #11:

  • The fastest mate was white on move 20 found in Gamelink White: donkey-kong16, Black: beaverhatbob.
  • The fastest draw was white on move 12 found in Gamelink White: heinie, Black: tadch.
  • The fastest resign was black on move 14 found in Gamelink White: suicune, Black: xempcc, Gamelink White: toni4127, Black: morallygray.
  • The biggest upset was 169 points in Gamelink White: moistvonlipwig, Black: nonamek.
  • The longest game ended with black on move 73 Gamelink White: s2004k1993, Black: mariuseg.
  • 136 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: johnjpershing, Black: colwem.
  • 3 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: waveylad, Black: tranzoo.
  • Combined maximum ACPL was 232 in Gamelink White: johnjpershing, Black: colwem.
  • Combined minimum ACPL was 20 in Gamelink White: heinie, Black: tadch.
  • The longest think was 19 minutes 2.0 seconds on move 22 in Gamelink White: infernaljumble, Black: rgpchesspe.
  • The most time left was 60 minutes 48.0 seconds in Gamelink White: rodrigodiazdevivar, Black: iqb.
  • The most time spent was 98 minutes 17.0 seconds in Gamelink White: s2004k1993, Black: mariuseg.



Chess Puzzle



Click on "Open" to get to the full interactive puzzle and solution.


Click on "Open" to get to the full interactive puzzle and solution.




Creative Commons License

Lichess4545 Ledger #050 ©2018 by Thienan Nguyen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Thanks to @aliquantus, @archone, @ErinYu, @moistvonlipwig, @pushedpawn, @somethingpretentious and @SpiteKnight.