Lichess4545 Ledger 061

Lichess4545 Ledger

Issue #061 - May 16, 2018


State of the 4545 League

by @SpiteKnight


Three teams lead the League table by staying undefeated after 3 rounds. Amongst them, 'Team 777' play against 'All You Need is Luft' in this round, hoping to end each others' winning streaks. 

Lonewolf Season 10 has ended, it was a very close finish and the standings saw significant changes in the final round. Below are the results.

In the U1800 section, congratulations to:
Best U1600, @Proustino!
Third, @SpiteKnight!
Second, @BranzaDubla!
First, @Chrisca408!

In the Open section, congratulations to:
Best U2000, @ShAlexander!
Third, @journey_to_nm!
Second, @sarciness!
And first, @Kuhfighter!

Thanks everyone for participating! We'll come out with a survey soon to hear about your experiences this season, and to decide on when LoneWolf #11 should start.


Updates on sister leagues:

Rapid Battle #2 will be run by ErinYu. The structure will be as follows:

`Everyone will be placed into groups of 16 (or more) players close to your rating. I'll assign groups of 4, which takes 2 weeks. The top two in each group enter a DE bracket winner's side, and the bottom two enter loser's side. If anyone wants to late-join the tournament, they'll go in loser's side. When it gets to loser's semifinals, time allowing, I'll make it another group stage so all the semifinalists play each other to enter grand finals.

For promotions/demotions: Everyone tied for 13th place has a playoff. Bottom two are demoted and are replaced with the top two from the next division. (Though I'm not sure if the organizer after me will keep this feature).

Time control is 15+10 (or shorter if both players agree). Two games per pairing.

Anyone can pitch suggestions up until we get started on May 21st, but I feel the pools/swiss -> DE framework is the way to go.

Register here:

This is the last week of the Series #2


No new video this week, stay tuned to the CLTV Youtube page for VODs and streams.



Weekly Stats

by @kraaft and @somethingpretentious



Stats for Season 12 Rounds 3:

  • The fastest mate was black on move 9 found in Gamelink White: grahamparkerme, Black: dragonickhaos.
  • The fastest draw was on move 20 found in Gamelink White: niking, Black: pawndercover.
  • The fastest resign was black on move 16 found in Gamelink White: scacchistaimbruttito, Black: closed_guard.
  • The biggest upset was 207 points in Gamelink White: lambdac, Black: agood2inches.
  • The longest game ended with black on move 90 Gamelink White: tupel, Black: kleyveu.
  • 136 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: grahamparkerme, Black: dragonickhaos.
  • 7 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: lez314, Black: donkey-kong16.
  • Combined maximum ACPL was 237 in Gamelink White: abneric, Black: michionov.
  • Combined minimum ACPL was 22 in Gamelink White: vagician, Black: paolone.
  • The longest think was 27 minutes 25.0 seconds by 23 in Gamelink White: luvgangster, Black: juke_3.
  • The most time left was 77 minutes 14.0 seconds in Gamelink White: acer30, Black: gusish.
  • The most time spent was 103 minutes 48.0 seconds in Gamelink White: tupel, Black: kleyveu.




Stats for Season 10 Round 11:

  • The fastest mate was white on move 18 found in Gamelink White: legendaryfatguy, Black: dmavro.
  • The fastest draw was on move 40 found in Gamelink White: marcolom, Black: tupel.
  • The fastest resign was black on move 16 found in Gamelink White: yakkuru, Black: shin04100.
  • The biggest upset was 204 points in Gamelink White: caxmati, Black: mblem22.
  • The longest game ended with white on move 80 Gamelink White: chesseric44, Black: aplause.
  • 99 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: zher0, Black: ceramic.
  • 7 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: ionsaitheoir, Black: dalejos.
  • Combined maximum ACPL was 177 in Gamelink White: zher0, Black: ceramic.
  • Combined minimum ACPL was 18 in Gamelink White: kuhfighter, Black: vgd123.
  • The longest think was 12 minutes 1.0 seconds by 19 in Gamelink White: mn8, Black: journey_to_nm.
  • The most time left was 44 minutes 39.0 seconds in Gamelink White: ionsaitheoir, Black: dalejos.
  • The most time spent was 65 minutes 17.0 seconds in Gamelink White: chesseric44, Black: aplause.




Stats of the games played on date of Round 7, 8 and 9:

  • The fastest mate was white on move 40 found in Gamelink White: rkjulian, Black: vevochi.
  • The fastest draw was on move 26 found in Gamelink White: misiek91z, Black: jg777.
  • The fastest resign was white on move 22 found in Gamelink White: gcedw2001, Black: delpire.
  • The biggest upset was 253 points in Gamelink White: gcedw2001, Black: delpire.
  • The longest game ended with white on move 60 Gamelink White: f1nn33, Black: kobol.
  • 89 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: journey_to_nm, Black: mastersalomon.
  • 14 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: kobol, Black: eie24.
  • Combined maximum ACPL was 161 in Gamelink White: journey_to_nm, Black: mastersalomon.
  • Combined minimum ACPL was 29 in Gamelink White: kobol, Black: eie24.
  • The longest think was 68 minutes 14.0 seconds by 21 in Gamelink White: gcedw2001, Black: delpire.
  • The most time left was 91 minutes 53.0 seconds in Gamelink White: rkjulian, Black: vevochi.
  • The most time spent was 116 minutes 4.0 seconds in Gamelink White: f1nn33, Black: kobol.





Chess Study

by @maxivgc


This week we have a study of a 4545 game from the Board 4 player of 'Pin me baby one more time'. 




Chess Puzzles

by @forhavu and @kraaft


Thank to @forhavu, we're using the lichess script that generates puzzles! Less puzzles but with guaranteed quality.

Click on the images for the solution.


CamelClutcher (2242) - quirked (1987)
◯ White to play.
arbisto (1956) - okei (1890)
⚫ Black to play.
juped (1722) - Rabioso (1698)
◯ White to play.
Giampy62 (1682) - UpGoerFive (1508)
◯ White to play.
ScacchistaImbruttito (1358) - closed_guard (1499)
◯ White to play.


RandomJSDev (1888) - cerulean (1914)
⚫ Black to play.
Boviced (1742) - xVaria (1595)
⚫ Black to play.
Boviced (1742) - xVaria (1595)
◯ White to play.


misiek91z (1879) - jg777 (1956)
⚫ Black to play.
Journey_to_NM (2271) - MasterSalomon (1917)
⚫ Black to play.
Journey_to_NM (2271) - MasterSalomon (1917)
◯ White to play.

Chessboard images provided by lenik terenin.


Please feel free to join #lichessledger on slack if you would like to contribute towards the ledger in any way, or provide any feedback. Both are highly encouraged and appreciated. Thank you for reading.


Creative Commons License

Lichess4545 Ledger #061 ©2018 by Thienan Nguyen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Thanks to @forhavu, @kraaft, @luvgangster, @maxivgc, @somethingpretentious and @spiteknight.