Lichess4545 Ledger 075
Lichess4545 Ledger
Issue #075 - August 29, 2018
State of the 4545 League
by @SpiteKnight
Season 13 of the League has come to an end. Thank you to everyone who participated, played fairly and in the right spirit, it led to yet another enjoyable season to be a part of.
Team Sac It and See took first place, despite losing their final round, which ended their undefeated run. Leaving only the second placed, team Preparation H-File as an undefeated team. Third place went to team Gang Of Dark Squares. Congratulations to them! Full summary of Season 13 can be found here. Top 3 player standings for each board are listed below.
With the end of the League season and the LoneWolf season, it's time for the end of season surveys.
Please click here for the League survey.
Please click here for the LoneWolf survey.
Please take a couple minutes to provide highly valuable feedback, contrary to popular beliefs our mods are democratic people and will listen to your suggestions. It is also needed to decide the starting date for the next season. Also, the League survey lets you provide any suggestions you may have towards the improvement of the ledger, so please do let us know if we can do something better. Time permitting, we will do our best to implement your suggestions. Thank you.
We’re still collecting donations for our end of season video reviews by none other than GM Niclas Huschenbeth. Please contribute if you can, this is the first time we have an opportunity to have a GM review the games, so we should make the most of it.
You can nominate to most interesting games here (nominations close soon):
To chip in, use this link:
We have some sad news you guys, @quirked has informed the mods that he can no longer stream on ChessLeagueTV due to time constraints and has given the channel back to the mods. So unless we have someone willing to take over, ChessLeagueTV is no more.
Nevertheless, thank you @quirked for all the content and education, it will be sorely missed!
Updates on other leagues:
Blitz Battle #37 was hosted on Saturday,
@badplayer_cm finished 1st,
@mn8 finished 2nd,
@Scrooge finished 3rd,
and best U1600 player was @MaxiVGC. Entire final standings and summary can be found here.
Series #3 is in its final week.
Chess Study
by @moistvonlipwig and @glbert
Weekly Stats
by @kraaft and @somethingpretentious
Stats for Season 13 Rounds 8:
- The fastest mate was black on move 11 found in Gamelink White: joecupojoe, Black: kraaft.
- The fastest draw was on move 15 found in Gamelink White: hicetnunc, Black: jfayne.
- The fastest resign was black on move 14 found in Gamelink White: outdoortree, Black: forhavu.
- The biggest upset was 161 points in Gamelink White: lez314, Black: dmavro.
- The longest game ended with black on move 70 Gamelink White: avas_goridze, Black: dinomoomoo.
- 110 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: juke_3, Black: vloxy.
- 7 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: joecupojoe, Black: kraaft.
- Combined maximum ACPL was 181 in Gamelink White: juke_3, Black: vloxy.
- Combined minimum ACPL was 17 in Gamelink White: whited4ath, Black: paolone.
- The longest think was 23 minutes 6.0 seconds on move 14 in Gamelink White: bufferunderrun, Black: toni4127.
- The most time left was 56 minutes 20.0 seconds in Gamelink White: glbert, Black: fismoluni.
- The most time spent was 95 minutes 17.0 seconds in Gamelink White: avas_goridze, Black: dinomoomoo.
Overall Season 13:
- The fastest mate was white on move 8 found in Gamelink White: perdhapley, Black: phmalek.
- The fastest draw was on move 13 found in Gamelink White: toni4127, Black: roso97.
- The fastest resign was black on move 7 found in Gamelink White: upgoerfive, Black: rsava.
- The biggest upset was 360 points in Gamelink White: kalandra, Black: nategreene.
- The longest game ended with white on move 140 Gamelink White: wo_schrodinger, Black: atil4.
- 158 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: ben_dubuque, Black: juped.
- 5 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: abneric, Black: lalaze.
- Combined maximum ACPL was 292 in Gamelink White: ben_dubuque, Black: juped.
- Combined minimum ACPL was 17 in Gamelink White: whited4ath, Black: paolone.
- The longest think was 30 minutes 12.0 seconds on move 11 in Gamelink White: outdoortree, Black: garfield1980.
- The most time left was 82 minutes 28.0 seconds in Gamelink White: phantom567459, Black: jjplayz.
- The most time spent was 138 minutes 11.0 seconds in Gamelink White: wo_schrodinger, Black: atil4.
AWARDS (You only qualify if you played 5 games.)
- Accuracy King: with an average of 21 ACPL lelouch_vi_brittania (6 games).
- Fast Finisher: with an average gamelength of 49 ply, lukhas (5 games).
- Marathon Man: with an average gamelength of 117 ply atil4 (5 games).
- Giri Award: 4 draws, eie24 (6 games), jfayne (7 games), lelouch_vi_brittania (6 games), outerheaven92 (5 games).
- Biggest rating gain: with 206 rating points, mixxanber (7 games).
- Biggest rating loss: with 96 rating points, mekumcu (6 games).
- Fun fact: The most popular opening played was:
- D00 Queen's Pawn Game (19 played)
- B01 Scandinavian Defense (18 played)
- A45 Indian Game (14 played)
MEDALS To see how you stack up: (B1 - B2 - B3 - B4 - B5 - B6)
Gold |
Silver |
Bronze |
Board 1 | lukarahtratgnaTBC | 2449 | Chaozu | 2356 | ErinYu | 2339 |
Board 2 | S3pp | 2302 | Somethingpretentious | 2258 | arbisto | 2250 |
Board 3 | WO_Schrodinger | 2047 | FilP | 2046 | jg777 | 2001 |
Board 4 | OutdoorTree | 2575 | mekumcu | 2159 | Wolf21 | 2133 |
Board 5 | glbert | 1988 | Luci_Bunny | 1898 | RealRobbert | 1880 |
Board 6 | Lez314 | 2313 | PerdHapley | 1700 | Khidal | 1647 |
Database Analysis of Lonewolf #11
Games 1-0 =-= 0-1 Score ----------------------------------------------------------- All report games 554 239 102 213 52.3% -----------------------------------------------------------
Average Rating and Performance
White rating: 1820 (553 games); White performance: 1832 (52% vs 1818)
Black rating: 1818 (553 games); Black performance: 1806 (48% vs 1820)
Opening Move
Move ECO Frequency Score AvElo Perf AvYear %Draws 1: e4 B00a 289: 52.1% 55.3% 1809 1841 18% 2: d4 A40a 179: 32.3% 50.5% 1811 1826 16% 3: c4 A10 33: 5.9% 28.7% 1854 1705 21% 4: Nf3 A04 31: 5.5% 54.8% 1849 1851 13% 5: b3 A01 11: 1.9% 68.1% 1945 2061 45% 6: b4 A00p 3: 0.5% 66.6% 2187 67% 7: f4 A02 3: 0.5% 66.6% 1715 67% 8: g3 A00t 2: 0.3% 50.0% 2103 0% 9: e3 A00k 1: 0.1% 50.0% 2094 100% 10: [end] A00a 1: 0.1% 0.0% 1493 0% 11: g4 A00n 1: 0.1% 0.0% 1354 0% _______________________________________________________________ TOTAL: 554:100.0% 52.3% 1819 1831 18%
Frequency of Themes in the First 20 moves of each game
Same-side castling: 64% White Isolated Queen Pawn: 12% Opposite castling: 11% Black Isolated Queen Pawn: 8% Kingside pawn storm: 22% White Pawn on 5/6/7th rank: 51% Queens exchanged: 51% Black Pawn on 2/3/4th rank: 36% Only one side has Bishop pair: 7% Open c/d/e file: 59%
See the stats page for win percentages for each board by color and ratings distribution.
Chess Puzzles
by @forhavu and @kraaft
Click on the images for the solution.
pepepibote (1445) - Litzr (1591) Gamelink. ◯ White to play. |
VicPez (1969) - IzoRyu (1950) Gamelink. ◯ White to play. |
joecupojoe (1382) - Kraaft (1573) Gamelink. ⚫ Black to play. |
HighonPotnuse (1539) - Donkey-Kong16 (1380) Gamelink. ⚫ Black to play. |
Ryune (2071) - swagquark (2106) Gamelink. ⚫ Black to play. |
Delpire (1682) - Ben_Dubuque (1744) Gamelink. ◯ White to play. |
RodrigoDiazdeVivar (1688) - MilsBees (1668) Gamelink. ⚫ Black to play. |
Shared by the community (can contain imperfect puzzles.) |
glbert (1570) - Vetinari_Computer (1962) Gamelink. Shared by @moistvonlipwig ◯ White to play. |
Vetinari_Computer (1966) - glbert (1569) Gamelink. Shared by @moistvonlipwig "White played Bd4. Black already is clearly better however there he can win material by force." ⚫ Black to play. |
mn8 (2163) - supermaths (2133) Gamelink. Shared by @mn8 "black to play and extricate himself" ⚫ Black to play. |
Delpire (1682) - Ben_Dubuque (1744) Gamelink. Shared by @delpire ⚫ Black to play. |
Chessboard images provided by lenik terenin.
Please feel free to join #lichessledger on slack if you would like to contribute towards the ledger in any way, or provide any feedback. Both are highly encouraged and appreciated. Thank you for reading.
Lichess4545 Ledger #075 ©2018 by Thienan Nguyen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Thanks to @forhavu, @kraaft, @somethingpretentious and @spiteknight.