Lichess4545 Ledger 106
Lichess4545 Ledger
Issue #106 - July 21st, 2019
State of the 4545 League
by @kostasvl
Registrations for the 18th season of the 4545 league are already open thanks to @glbert and season starts on the 5th day of August. Click the following link to register:
Also you can nominate the games of season 17 that you want to be reviewed in the following link: For this season the reviews will be "in-house".
Side-leagues news
by @kostavl
This week the 960 league will end and the winner is already decided. Congratulations to @Somethingpretentious for winning the 7th season with a score of 7/7!! He gained the title back after losing it last season from BOT @Vetinari_Computer. Detailed standings and summary will be given in the next edition.
This week the 63th blitz battle was hosted late on Thursday and 7 players participated. @phantom567459 and @Isachess finished both with 6 points but @phantom567459 won the battle on the 3rd tie-breaker. If you're also interested joining a future blitz battle join #blitz-battle to stay tuned about upcoming battles.
The 3rd season of Blindfold starts on Monday and registrations will be open during the whole season. If you want to have some fun testing your skills in chess without watching the pieces you should definitely join. You can register here. For more info join #blindfold on slack.
Do you have more free time now that it's off-season for the 4545 team league? Are you looking to play some games the time you want with the time control you want? #classical-group on slack has turned into a channel where you can look for lichess4545 members to play some games.
by @phantom567459
@phantom567459 streamed his games during Blitz Battle #63. You can watch the stream below.
Weekly Stats
by @kraaft, @RobUmbra and @Somethingpretentious
Stats for Season 15 Round 1:
- The fastest mate was black on move 17 found in Gamelink White: scacchistaimbruttito, Black: min37.
- The fastest draw was found in Gamelink White: glbert, Black: lapa87.
- The fastest resign was black on move 12 found in Gamelink White: rodeo, Black: alms.
- The biggest upset was 484 points in Gamelink White: gallifrey42, Black: robumbra.
- The longest game ended with white on move 77 Gamelink White: lgv2018, Black: upgoerfive.
- 126 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: rodeo, Black: alms.
- 10 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: kyaaron, Black: spaceball.
- Combined maximum ACPL was 171 in Gamelink White: rodeo, Black: alms.
- Combined minimum ACPL was 21 in Gamelink White: kyaaron, Black: spaceball.
- The longest think was 12 minutes 31.0 seconds on move 8 in Gamelink White: rodeo, Black: alms.
- The most time left was 42 minutes 4.0 seconds in Gamelink White: badplayer_cm, Black: david-innes.
- The most time spent was 64 minutes 21.0 seconds in Gamelink White: artian12, Black: mathijshuis.
SERIES 90+30:
Overall Season 7:
- The fastest mate was white on move 17 found in Gamelink White: tactix47, Black: scarff.
- The fastest draw was found in Gamelink White: grizzzly1000, Black: chesspatzerfrance.
- The fastest resign was white on move 14 found in Gamelink White: mqll, Black: h0tblackdesiat0.
- The biggest upset was 241 points in Gamelink White: numberman768, Black: raitonvsfuuton.
- The longest game ended with black on move 93 Gamelink White: numberman768, Black: tranzoo.
- 138 was the highest ACPL in Gamelink White: wargoblin, Black: mixalaki2705.
- 9 was the lowest ACPL in Gamelink White: grizzzly1000, Black: chesspatzerfrance, Gamelink White: moistvonlipwig, Black: krsto, Gamelink White: aleksandr88_62, Black: isachess.
- Combined maximum ACPL was 248 in Gamelink White: wargoblin, Black: mixalaki2705.
- Combined minimum ACPL was 19 in Gamelink White: grizzzly1000, Black: chesspatzerfrance.
- The longest think was 56 minutes 19.0 seconds on move 17 in Gamelink White: kostasvl, Black: tranzoo.
- The most time left was 93 minutes 4.0 seconds in Gamelink White: brundd, Black: drodnat.
- The most time spent was 124 minutes 1.0 seconds in Gamelink White: krsto, Black: isavulpes.
- Accuracy King: with an average of 21 ACPL, moistvonlipwig.
- Fast Finisher: with an average gamelength of 41 ply/21 moves, adande1.
- Marathon Man: with an average gamelength of 95 ply/48 moves, finneri and drodnat.
- Giri Award: 3 draws, isavulpes.
- Biggest rating gain: with 55 rating points, darubaru.
- Biggest rating loss: with 74 rating points, mekumcu.
- Fun fact: The most popular opening played was:
- C00 French Defense and B12 Caro-Kann Defense (4 played each)
moistvonlipwig (defending his title)
Database Analysis of Series #07
Games 1-0 =-= 0-1 Score ----------------------------------------------------------- All report games 81 44 11 26 61.1% -----------------------------------------------------------
Average Rating and Performance
White rating: 1867; White performance: 1944 (61% vs 1864)
Black rating: 1864; Black performance: 1787 (39% vs 1867)
Frequency of Themes in the First 20 moves of each game
Same-side castling: 60% White Isolated Queen Pawn: 15% Opposite castling: 11% Black Isolated Queen Pawn: 9% Kingside pawn storm: 15% White Pawn on 5/6/7th rank: 56% Queens exchanged: 53% Black Pawn on 2/3/4th rank: 37% Only one side has Bishop pair: 12% Open c/d/e file: 58%
Opening Move
Move ECO Frequency Score AvElo Perf AvYear %Draws 1: e4 B00a 51: 62.9% 64.7% 1884 1981 12% 2: d4 A40a 20: 24.6% 47.5% 1828 1833 15% 3: c4 A10 5: 6.1% 90.0% 1892 20% 4: Nf3 A04 4: 4.9% 37.5% 1804 25% 5: g3 A00t 1: 1.2% 100.0% 1890 0% _______________________________________________________________ TOTAL: 81:100.0% 61.1% 1867 1943 14%
See the stats page for win percentages for each board by color and ratings distribution.
Chess Puzzles
by @forhavu, @kraaft
filtered and ordered by @okei
[[[in progress, waiting for okei]]]
Please feel free to join #lichessledger on slack if you would like to contribute towards the ledger in any way, or provide any feedback. Both are highly encouraged and appreciated. Thank you for reading.
Lichess4545 Ledger #106 ©2019 by Thienan Nguyen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Thanks to @Forhavu, @kostasvl, @kraaft, @okei, @phantom567459 and @SpiteKnight.