Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 24 : 6 games for Pawn of the Dead
Season 23 : 6 games for Mateful 8
Season 22 : 8 games for Pawndæmonium
Season 21 : 8 games for Pawndemics
Season 18 : 5 games for We Will Fork You
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #19 (U1800): 11 games
LoneWolf#18 (U1800) : 10 games

LoneWolf #19 (U1800)

Rd 1 GERDie - UpGoerFive (1615) 1-0
Rd 2 mmgoo (1686) - GERDie 1-0
Rd 3 GERDie - ApprenChess (1624) 1-0
Rd 4 dcamp (1735) - GERDie 1-0
Rd 5 lepertoe (1623) - GERDie ½-½
Rd 6 GERDie - LoganFries (1658) 1X-0F
Rd 7 GERDie - jpk1489 (1762) 1-0
Rd 8 GERDie - Alayan (1784) 1X-0F
Rd 9 GERDie - lCaptainBob (1777) 0-1
Rd 10 HighSilence (1773) - GERDie 1-0
Rd 11 GERDie - freddy267t (1707) 0-1
Score: 5.5/11 Perf rating: 1607

Career Statistics

Career Score: 25/54 Perf rating: 1542

Lichess Lonewolf Trophy Case