Other Seasons
Lichess4545 League
Season 43
1 game for
50 Shades of Tal
Season 42
8 games for
It's beginning to look a lot like checkmate
Season 41
8 games for
What the fork?!
Season 39
8 games for
Piece Donations Accepted Here
Season 38
8 games for
Rook Against the Machine
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #31 (Open):
9 games
LoneWolf #31 (Open)
Round 1:Rd 1 | Half-Point Bye | |
Round 2:Rd 2 | Half-Point Bye | |
Round 3:Rd 3 | MerrickS (1975) - gavalanche20 (2080) | 0-1 |
Round 4:Rd 4 | arthi15 (2229) - MerrickS (1953) | 1-0 |
Round 5:Rd 5 | juandeleon (1849) - MerrickS (1942) | 1-0 |
Round 6:Rd 6 | MerrickS (1906) - InebriatedPawn (1734) | 1-0 |
Round 7:Rd 7 | THEARMINATOR (1808) - MerrickS (1922) | 0-1 |
Round 8:Rd 8 | MerrickS (1940) - Larry2903 (1856) | ½-½ |
Round 9:Rd 9 | Lyrurus (1761) - MerrickS (1935) | 1-0 |
Round 10:Rd 10 | MerrickS (1897) - Jobwoge (1998) | 0-1 |
Round 11:Rd 11 | Asturc0n (1713) - MerrickS (1879) | 0-1 |
Score: 4.5/11 | Perf rating: 1834 |
Career Statistics
Career Score: 4.5/11 | Perf rating: 1834 |