Other Seasons
Lichess4545 League
Season 43
3 games for
Howell we do?
Season 42
1 game
Season 41
8 games for
Calculate, evaluate, repeat
Season 40
10 games for
Reti, Clock, Go!
Season 39
8 games for
Order of the White Rook
Season 35
0 games
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #36 (Open)
3 games
LoneWolf #35 (Open)
3 games
LoneWolf #34 (Open)
10 games
LoneWolf #33 (U1800):
10 games
LoneWolf #29 (Open)
0 games
LoneWolf #33 (U1800)
Round 1:Rd 1 | seandcosta (1579) - NBSabin (1441) | 0-1 |
Round 2:Rd 2 | AgusiaS72 (1499) - seandcosta (1657) | ½-½ |
Round 3:Rd 3 | codydegen (1674) - seandcosta (1679) | 1-0 |
Round 4:Rd 4 | seandcosta (1689) - pilryam (1707) | 0-1 |
Round 5:Rd 5 | Full-Point Bye (Pairing) | |
Round 6:Rd 6 | chiyeung (1464) - seandcosta (1677) | 1-0 |
Round 7:Rd 7 | seandcosta (1664) - Manishsharmau (1584) | 0-1 |
Round 8:Rd 8 | netvoyne (1393) - seandcosta (1636) | 1-0 |
Round 9:Rd 9 | seandcosta (1639) - mjodonnell (1142) | 1-0 |
Round 10:Rd 10 | Rimio (1156) - seandcosta (1627) | 0-1 |
Round 11:Rd 11 | seandcosta (1635) - r4do5 (1440) | 1-0 |
Score: 4.5/11 | Perf rating: 1363 |
Career Statistics
Career Score: 14/35 | Perf rating: 1558 |