Other Seasons
Lichess4545 League
Season 43
2 games for
Tish, the world's oldest goldfish
Season 42
8 games for
What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything? Season 42
Season 41
1 game
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #36 (Open)
1 game
LoneWolf #35 (Open):
11 games
LoneWolf #35 (Open)
Round 1:Rd 1 | ButterPecan (1892) - Jarolos (1753) | 1-0 |
Round 2:Rd 2 | Jarolos (1721) - iBob_42 (1898) | 1-0 |
Round 3:Rd 3 | vrkp323 (1889) - Jarolos (1801) | ½-½ |
Round 4:Rd 4 | Jarolos (1804) - Forgae (1971) | 0-1 |
Round 5:Rd 5 | Jarolos (1836) - StoppedClock (1912) | 1-0 |
Round 6:Rd 6 | ppxo (2104) - Jarolos (1830) | 1-0 |
Round 7:Rd 7 | Jarolos (1894) - tone_fresh (1823) | 0-1 |
Round 8:Rd 8 | ImmRoman (1812) - Jarolos (1879) | 0-1 |
Round 9:Rd 9 | ForkerofQueens (2069) - Jarolos (1883) | 0-1 |
Round 10:Rd 10 | Jarolos (1901) - silvioq (2019) | 0-1 |
Round 11:Rd 11 | AACtrl (2038) - Jarolos (1895) | 1-0 |
Score: 4.5/11 | Perf rating: 1887 |
Career Statistics
Career Score: 4.5/12 | Perf rating: 1848 |