
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Average
All Over the Board hicetnunc 2137 Jg777 2005 pokerram 1833 Boviced 1747 RottenPawn 1667 Donkey-kong16 1360 1895.20
Pawnic Attack Artykom 2075 fisher56 2005 JohnsonBronson 1829 chesshavoc 1830 sgis 1682 RodrigoDiazDeVivar 1579 1910.20
The King Goes Skrra PaulKagame 2114 keresch 1913 Treppenhouse 1877 david-innes 1859 deanmadden 1566 GOKUBA 1495 1910.00
Blunderbusters eie24 2061 cacheyourdreams 1925 GogoYubari 1788 javi0111 1691 xearo 1703 Ranfea 1420 1888.40
Sic Semper Tyrannis FlokiTheCat 2161 Lynnpv 1870 odyn1982 1876 VicPez 1825 qrs 1631 caxmati 1590 1953.00
In It For The Groupies s2004k1993 2172 jkobs 2134 KFerapont 2058 Benedictine 1881 Philgood84 1692 rsava 1425 1953.33
Are you KIDding me? Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2109 timoru 2067 GetAGripWhitby 1892 AlwxR 1847 Tsatsa64 1645 lvew 1455 1972.00
We're OK with any name, actually MoistvonLipwig 2306 Heinie 2054 pmyourpepes 1947 rgpchesspe 1862 dose7781 1628 NarwhalePete 1538 1916.80
The Stonewall Defenders HandKnit 2235 axp156 2002 stinsonite 1854 Star-Bearer 1650 truesacrifice 1591 Arkensiel 1301 1819.67
Checkmate is Coming tipau 2227 yago666 2004 roso97 1917 myle 1868 Spiteknight 1671 ghostult 1689 2081.80
Zugzwang Zombies SamuelIFowler 2289 Trexchess 2098 LeDarkKnight 1874 davejishnu 1851 SuedeStonn 1786 Nairwolf 1474 1865.60
Rook, line and sinker Spiritchaser84 2131 Liamvo 1956 DirtyJs 1847 Zharptytsia 1772 deep_glue 1746 Boomer34 1486 1850.40
Make Luft not War lovlas 2437 LittleAnnieAdderall 2077 rampichino 1821 Hoikka 1787 glbert 1681 PsiMaster 1595 1926.80
The Kingpins Bjorgvin1 2178 quirked 1975 toni4127 1901 MoneyMitch 1718 kolnikov 1689 rhohit 1444 1930.17
Knights Radiant Assassin_in_White 2302 MasterSalomon 1943 InfernalJumble 1897 Hackov 1827 Michael_hackett 1727 bornacavrag 1362 1856.80
Reviving Private Harry ErinYu 2229 hawkins89 2087 shetoo 1841 seb32 1720 novemberyankee 1701 kylecuver1 1048 1877.17
Ombaya god666 2192 Asinya 1875 Poseh 1864 swohl19 1750 DracoxVitae 1676 Dubarnik 1459 1924.00
Who Keres? supermaths 2223 SolarNight 1959 chennis 1899 kponds 1659 Giampy62 1655 GlaisePapale 1631 1898.00
Octopus Knights nimzovit 2127 Alegre_River 2082 paolone 1924 wargoblin 1724 pedropablo72 1722 kleyveu 1582 1941.40
I think, therefore I'm in time trouble TMaus 2043 revoof 1914 TheRatRiverTrapper 1889 rpimpulse 1723 Mooserohde 1582 Kraaft 1525 1876.50
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Magnuses Sonata2 2216 somethingpretentious 2028 Prune2000 1860 scarff 1783 lukhas 1699 colwem 1550 1948.50
Do You Even Rook Lift, Bro? mariuseg 2099 Archone 1981 brainyack 1899 krispl 1915 luvgangster 1633 Bletchlypark 1547 1943.00
NOTFOX CamelClutcher 2203 GCEDW2001 1922 NOTFOXAnonymous 1915 MattyB 1781 Hsznet 1707 Davbond 1389 1904.60
Read The Rules morallygray 2007 Lord_axe 2024 gucelli 1854 Delpire 1695 moinmann 1631 Forhavu 1532 1979.80
Chess Nuts Roasting over an Open-File urjah 2112 GnarlyGoat 1988 dorjanel 1874 gattican 1814 omoueza 1567 Gm1224 1366 1870.20
May the Forks be with You MarionTinsley 2016 arbisto 1985 EinarGregersen 1984 Th3RomanticWarrior 1879 TCGRIF 1736 rkjulian 1487 2028.25
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg  
  hetraie 2177 Programminglinguist 2123 Bratac38 1880 rederik79 1749 adamkit 1705 kart0ffelsalaat 1272  
  be0wulf 1965 JensenUVA 1816 ShAlexander 1872 val1313 1835 Dinomoomoo 1580 michionov 1073  
  schubix 2190 LazyPeon 1973 MrLegilimens 1889 flaxl 1715 Chess_Patzer 1590 blstk 1163  
  Kjar 2005 gyrating_kairos 1990 loukas435 1831 tnan123 1713 kingkoronov 1560 HELWILLEM 1401  
  carc 2211 ismitt 1500 sagy_dr 1500 ermilom 1807 utkukemaly 1649 kanakaishou 1324  
  PaulCarrero 1500 isaypotato 1959 JakeStateFarm 1599 vike27 1713 cacoph 1571 Endrawes0 1525  
  Chaskar 2028 Doncyrleone 2083 haggismcbean 1954 parametric 1888 JohnJPershing 1589 ghoul_1997 1228  
  Zeggelaar 2053 anna_nass 2007 jivey 1860 kikiyop 1737 Toffeeman 1689  
  TheFroo 1500 checkmonk 1983 dimitris22 1881 cdoss 1739 Showboater 1607  
  vgd123 2075 TotalAnalysis 1971 pioki 1923 OscarArnoux 1786 zbakov 1619  
  Scrooge 2356 lemonworld 2002 arsenalfanrichi 1895 superposition 1815 miikka1 1649  
  TMax 1782 Ender14123 1652  
  Staincastle 1643  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card