
Poisoned Spud Variation Team 777
vagician (2062) 01 s2004k1993 (2142)
isaypotato (1955) 10 shin04100 (1866)
sxpg (1792) 01 jrvdwjr (1801)
phild159 (1734) 10 Jonathan_DALLEAU (1760)
lolitsreality (1587) ½½ fradtheimpaler (1711)
Alkibiades1 (1512) 01 Lez314 (1476)
Blunderwhelming Chessperadoes
CamelClutcher (2251) 10 f1nn33 (2055)
checkmonk (1910) 10 InfernalJumble (1947)
EmptySet2 (1863) 01 rodeo (1818)
Jonathancoffin (1755) 10 Toffeeman (1733)
Hsznet (1606) 10 Tsatsa64 (1665)
Khidal (1506) ½½ mixxanber (1442)
The Rage Quitters All You Need is Luft
supermaths (2131) 01 Sonata2 (2227)
PublicRadio (1912) ½½ VicPez (1872)
phantom567459 (1822) 10 scarff (1801)
Juped (1762) 10 Scottm91 (1686)
glbert (1659) 01 OutdoorTree (1682)
Acer30 (1288) 01 Ryen89 (1362)
We're not OK with any name, actually. The Backup Pawn
roso97 (1965) ½½ Journey_to_NM (2261)
myle (1840) 01 GCEDW2001 (1885)
tnan123 (1816) 01 Seafoam (1774)
sgis (1753) 10 suicune (1753)
Napoleon_Solo (1667) 1X0F Luci_Bunny (1678)
litzr (1543) 10 Nairwolf (1497)
Rooky Balboa 3 3 Belligerent Bishops
ErinYu (2285) 01 FlokiTheCat (2077)
lenguyenthanh (1922) ½½ krispl (1937)
ventricule (1820) ½½ Goblin_Alchemist (1878)
TCGRIF (1731) 10 luvgangster (1839)
lakinwecker (1688) 01 Proustino (1596)
kleyveu (1556) 10 Lalaze (1572)
Pineapple Pizza Connoisseurs Reloaded We Will Comb Over
Narz (2023) 01 Chaozu (2172)
Kjar (2020) ½½ Lynnpv (1911)
Dinomoomoo (1812) 10 avelez8 (1868)
Juke_3 (1800) 10 nivenn (1772)
GOKUBA (1668) 10 the_loving_boy (1644)
Akselm (1659) 10 Ceramic (1361)
Dumb Tactic But Win? 5 1 Throw in the Tal
badplayer_cm (2167) 10 MoistvonLipwig (2273)
silver124 (2018) 01 Maqqa (1935)
avas_goridze (1816) 10 RSWillow (1751)
ORIONfull (1799) 10 Anarschi (1692)
jmcampbell (1646) 10 Gena84 (1559)
closed_guard (1484) 10 NerdRaging (1365)
Board Zero 2 4 Live Fast, Castle Long
ahmt92 (2082) 01 mn8 (2261)
arbisto (1961) 01 dauthdaert (1914)
Grunfeld-Defense (1874) ½½ jughandle10 (1884)
RealRobbert (1706) 01 AvocadoPost (1759)
compost83 (1559) ½½ poopheaderic (1649)
cammusbread (1464) 10 callzumen (1481)
It Ain’t Euwe Till it’s Over The Half Dirty Dozen
lovlas (2471) 10 paolone (1998)
steili (1912) 01 LazyPeon (1956)
kanake (1815) 10 rampichino (1793)
rabioso (1730) ½½ pedropablo72 (1781)
xVaria (1568) 10 PsiMaster (1638)
Donkey-kong16 (1372) 01 Tranzoo (1612)
MouseSlip Blunders 2 4 We Find More Mates on Tinder
mightydogg (2045) ½½ Pawndercover (2100)
MasterSalomon (2052) 01 nickoboy1992 (1942)
AraPawn (1796) 01 DragonicKhaos (1788)
Boviced (1712) ½½ notmyjob88 (1695)
Giampy62 (1655) 10 benlonnqvist (1563)
Ionsaitheoir (1452) 01 deaarthur (1163)
Morning Wood Pushers Check Republic
Sangan (2092) ½½ morallygray (2039)
okei (1925) 01 DurchNachtUndWind (1968)
jakake (1809) 01 swohl19 (1813)
pollygetiks (1767) 10 Dmathman (1736)
jcole98 (1736) 10 ManuLeach (1561)
Bamboos (1514) 10 The_harrison (1555)
50% French 50% Garbage, 100 Reasons to Give Us the Flying Carpet and the Camelback 4 2 Check, Mate, Baby
NOTFOXAnonymous (1967) 10 david-innes (1858)
fisher56 (1947) 10 BigMeesh13 (1892)
Anunzio (1771) 10 david-innes (1872)
MattyB (1762) 01 Delpire (1727)
controversy (1629) 10 dose7781 (1680)
Davbond (1525) 01 michionov (1147)
Ruy Flopez 4 2 Exchange Up, Guard Down
Capi48 (2110) 10 Archone (1967)
Yourooknice (1936) 10 Maurice95 (1899)
GrahamParkerME (1818) 01 DracoxVitae (1767)
JBGIII (1729) 01 Spiteknight (1759)
RodrigoDiazDeVivar (1704) 10 rkjulian (1532)
Board_13 (1538) 10 UpGoerFive (1504)
Dead Pawns Tell No Tale Forgotten Gambits
hicetnunc (2142) 01 SebastianJL (2074)
egonsanc (1888) 01 tuncaboylu (1887)
Jacarandat (1859) 10 chesshavoc (1778)
derdodo12345 (1777) ½½ garfield1980 (1778)
flgoyens (1635) 01 HighonPotnuse (1618)
rsava (1414) 01 grantoldham (1536)
Disregard Money, Acquire Elo 4 2 Pin me baby one more time.
Lelouch_Vi_Brittania (2156) 10 TMaus (2017)
Xerxos159 (1939) 10 TheRatRiverTrapper (1902)
wpruitt14 (1790) 10 maxivgc (1753)
Forhavu (1709) 01 BranzaDubla (1827)
kanakaishou (1619) 10 izzie26 (1630)
conalboyle (1350) 01 Kraaft (1547)
Let's Put Anand to This 4 2 System of a Pawn
swagquark (2160) 10 somethingpretentious (2005)
PGSankar (1928) 10 revoof (1935)
stinsonite (1843) 01 bufferunderrun (1933)
LemuelGullible (1741) 10 seb32 (1745)
T1460 (1683) 01 lukhas (1668)
gusish (1325) 10 grimreepeer1 (1303)
The Da Vishy Code 4 2 Space Invaders
FischyVishy (2284) 10 vgd123 (2058)
kjfoster17 (1849) 01 dctrip13 (1885)
m_krev (1832) 10 val1313 (1801)
Showboater (1710) 10 Injektilo (1747)
colwem (1680) 10 Brundd (1670)
abneric (1300) 01 tupel (1441)
Knightclub 3 3 Errant Knights
twobe (2110) 10 Ryune (2028)
CubesAndPi (1888) 01 misiek91z (1823)
NiSn (1864) 10 IanCawood (1805)
xEmpCC (1694) 01 Namulin (1779)
zher0 (1592) 01 woolgatherer (1663)
DAAL (1285) 10 LambdaC (1236)
What the Check!? Settlers of Catalan
eie24 (2044) 10 quirked (1993)
Jg777 (1905) 01 UnLuckyNiko (1869)
GogoYubari (1778) ½½ patk74 (1836)
ben_dubuque (1761) 01 RottenPawn (1712)
oddskill (1655) 01 dmavro (1688)
Vevochi (981) 01 ScrubThatDish (1501)
En Croissant 3 3 6 Man Tablebase
chessryo (2011) 10 HoudinicisMedicis (2047)
robert-paulson (1913) 10 rgpchesspe (1854)
Rolihlahla (1826) 01 corey561 (1803)
Dram04 (1692) ½½ imcgrat2 (1693)
Drotciv (1583) ½½ MilsBees (1620)
Agood2inches (1377) 01 ScacchistaImbruttito (1388)