
Team Killiniq Praying on Week Nights
ubernoobek (1909) ½½ cheese111 (2302)
rreyv (1708) 01 Plasmacat (1767)
revoof (1787) 10 riemannn (1756)
tammerik24 (1619) 01 jivey (1658)
fourtwenty (1348) 10 greg-butts (1382)
Beavis and Butt-vinik 4 1 Knight Riders
crabbypat (2017) 1X0F GMPraveen (2267)
HoxHound (1879) 10 ventricule (1736)
ThePawnSlayer (1681) 10 greyhawk (1715)
Petruchio (1462) 01 CarlosMagnussen (1597)
angborxley (1423) 10 nitin123 (1182)
Back-Rank Think Tank Invidiosi Invidebunt
bodhmall (2151) 10 Toddle (1972)
Knoddel (1919) 01 FelixNL (1901)
ctorh (1776) ½½ kingscrusher-fan (1776)
sigvei (1754) 01 Theknug (1593)
explodingllama (1703) 01 djcrisce (1565)
Over The Topalov Other People's Pieces (O.P.P.)
Pitrinu (2270) 10 Sangan (1988)
mkoga (1740) 01 droodjerky (1879)
Vishysoisse (1690) 01 Zouave (1756)
llimllib (1630) ½½ seb32 (1673)
amacy (1160) 01 thetasquared (1542)
O-O No You Didn't RtoD2
dcwoods (1900) 10 Atrophied (2294)
jimmyd7777 (1857) 01 Theino (2051)
baybars (1706) ½Z½Z CaptNCarter (1816)
parrotz (1701) 0F0F Baksteen123 (1801)
icendoan (1531) 01 Endrawes0 (1447)
E4 Effort All Knight Dance Party
SheepNL (1967) 01 cyanfish (2112)
iHateRBF (1901) 10 chill5555 (1765)
iebrian (1697) ½½ Arlberg (1772)
malteof (1622) 10 jughandle10 (1772)
jshholland (1545) 10 asifmallik (1647)
Mighty Morphin' Pawn Arrangers That's Tal Folks
frogger (1994) 10 Shammies (2250)
pawnsareop (1881) 0F1X ready_player_one (1815)
xaviar (1750) 0F1X DurchNachtUndWind (1789)
shetoo (1653) ½½ freefal (1624)
Scottm91 (1605) 10 Braffin (1577)
The Stale Maids 4 1 Reti Or Not
Steiger07 (1969) 10 sahkal (2087)
R-Mena (1762) 1X0F Quadriculado (1766)
EsolcNeveton (1670) 10 thisISSmax (1629)
tephra (1620) 01 mfink1 (1683)
lakinwecker (1535) 10 Flandoo (1440)
Olympic Team of North Korea 4 1 One Knight Stand
crunchyalex (1939) 10 alex_1987 (2204)
Kimaga (1887) 10 ChessedToImpress (1792)
MadLoKi (1681) 01 MrLegilimens (1768)
hillrp (1651) 1X0F dimasikson (1699)
Lrdwhyt (1540) 10 Qade (1489)
The Grand Wazoo Sicilian Dragons
GnarlyGoat (1840) 01 matuiss2 (2216)
JPTriton (1831) ½½ somethingpretentious (1858)
Unihedron (1763) 10 scarff (1694)
thibault (1719) 01 jaivl (1767)
fradtheimpaler (1546) 01 Immortality (1459)
Knights of the Square Table 3 2 Kingslayers
Sonata2 (2060) 10 Obucheniye (2008)
Toperoco (1846) 01 ecstaticbroccoli (1921)
Nytik (1756) 10 bramminator (1772)
Cheesehead04 (1652) 01 cactus (1673)
cenotaph5 (1750) 10 tnan123 (1548)