Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 20: 7 games for The Hateful 8x8
Season 9 : 2 games

Season 20

The Hateful 8x8
Board 8
Rd 1 UpGoerFive (1538) - nathanj439 0-1
Rd 2 nathanj439 - JoeyMellberg (1538) 0-1
Rd 3 jcarmody (1487) - nathanj439 ½-½
Rd 4 nathanj439 - LeChuckForPresident (1136) 1X-0F
Rd 5 BarbarAusBielefeld (1653) - nathanj439 1-0
Rd 7 Moha369 (1572) - nathanj439 0F-1X
Rd 8 nathanj439 - Rskyoz (1396) 0-1
Score: 3.5/7 Perf rating: 1373

Career Statistics

Career Score: 4.5/9 Perf rating: 1409

Lichess4545 League Trophy Case