
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg Average
frisky bishops okoros 2219 kn960 2015 krispl 1996 jbrooks95 1959 OMW2FYQ 1814 leo2dipikke 1772 wvb93 1574 Moha369 1572 1894.00
Blunder Wars: Revenge of the Sicilian tomek188 2211 Pawndercover 2148 cerulean 1943 nsmiller7 1972 colwem 1861 fwcj68 1717 mmgoo 1644 Boomer34 1565 1941.38
Nunn of your business Narf64 2172 Artian12 2061 Silkthewanderer 2049 patk74 1889 Lethgo 1898 ghostologist 1776 JMHWSM 1609 dcamp 1590 1958.75
45 Minutes?! Usually I don't even last 45 seconds! Gomorrah 2117 mysonnevercallme 2055 anjumskhan 1989 adande1 1943 ZuiZuiZ 1881 dystopia753 1773 onodidntseethat 1685 zher0 1581 1932.88
Semi-automatic Slav aln276 2156 wahoowa2014 2097 Dkillian 1958 Th3RomanticWarrior 1930 mixxanber 1812 rooooks 1771 I8I9 1629 JoeyMellberg 1632 1903.71
Queen Sacs & Smothered Mates Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2269 Aleksandr88_62 2082 rapiplay 1928 dmavro 1890 TSSCFTTSOS 1880 SunGoddess 1831 RossTheNinja 1614 jcarmody 1534 1935.71
The Powerpuff Girls ErinYu 2302 ashishacharya 2047 toni4127 1995 fallowseed 1948 figeon 1850 Qveen_Sacrifice 1832 Swgfskdf 1640 bella10101 1519 1961.00
Tal's Hippopotamus makeareason 2287 floum 2117 Pendru 2019 Marcos_Paulo 1964 sanganakam 1854 Matrix75 1718 Meaot 1661 furrykef 1595 1924.88
The Hateful 8x8 Aidoz 2282 rezoons 2071 WO_Schrodinger 2086 val1313 1914 Robzored 1844 thebishopschaplain 1754 callzumen 1609 nathanj439 1503 1920.13
The Big LePawnsky thrillchester 2284 bufferunderrun 2050 Theknugdorf 2019 mathijshuis 1948 sivvaaa 1919 pdesaiii 1783 adrienb96 1745 gigantaure 1584 1981.63
Mate by 8 Svendra 2178 axp156 2059 MoiRon 2045 Anders_son 1989 GOKUBA 1824 pulsar512b 1798 darubaru 1708 kampsun 1417 1875.29
Shallow Blue blindmoose 2282 Astronominoff 2079 droodjerky 1946 smerlijn 1904 osskjc 1883 dmsa_or 1807 Lalaze 1779 Pe-lle 1544 1940.63
Cultured and Sophisticated Chess Deities TenThousandHours 2318 arbisto 2099 Sesquipedalism 1994 garfield1980 1912 david-innes 1969 NLance 1825 BinxBollong 1712 BlacKKnight0 1352 1924.17
The Guarded Hedgehogs Razorneck 2147 f1nn33 2124 HoudinicisMedicis 2068 mcastellani18 2043 Tsatsa64 1814 Ou57 1791 mirkojotic 1668 Bafetimbi_Gomis 1677 2022.57
Caissa's Misfits badplayer_cm 2261 ginoux 2141 GroneN 2005 netherfiel 1877 cvillian 1836 WightUnderscore 1696 Monolith4861 1641 victorcourcelle 1497 1926.38
Uana Wins yago666 2173 timothyha 2050 xipqag 1988 Tommelskinke 1979 Immortality 1826 seius 1810 Luft808 1711 GingerAle_s 1560 1877.88 IsaVulpes 2201 ReyFeroz 2151 Isachess 2000 jwwells42 1894 thatoneguy1475 1835 Numberman768 1785 mqll 1630 rsava 1444 1957.88
MeanCHESSter United SpeedCobra 2420 Grizzzly1000 2031 haon 2002 Chesspatzerswan 1964 Cannonbait 1894 Hasan1929 1792 closure3 1753 Smutje41 1195 1917.63
Mysterious Mating Techniques Krsto 2158 Jg777 2034 Queen_Blunder 1979 TaielChess 1884 Showboater 1890 K0stasP 1755 oddskill 1705 BarbarAusBielefeld 1633 1918.17
Season 20, Team 20, in 2020?! Numerology is real! eie24 2170 Lanoc 2139 phantom567459 2012 kajoM 1909 Tonuka 1885 izzie26 1758 Kraaft 1673 UpGoerFive 1628 1952.88
We used condorcet voting to choose this name roso97 2130 tadch 2142 chgreg 2000 escabeche 1926 sgis 1882 glbert 1728 Proxava 1738 GERDie 1552 1959.25
Alekhine Think of Is Pawns ChristopherChabris 2234 lumenian 2106 Merkava777 1964 Brundd 1918 qrs 1859 PiecePeace 1889 H0tblackDesiat0 1830 Rskyoz 1413 2035.88
Ne8 Degrees wookash_888 2347 kungfupanda20008 2287 BlackCat700 2113 k-night-moves 1978 Sarahwynn 1869 Lupo_Jones 1811 kostasvl 1716 LeChuckForPresident 1124 1917.50
The teamiest team to ever team Hausierer 2231 Finneri 2042 Focalius 1967 Pras108 1897 FischersOfMen 1874 ekopp2000 1758 Cookos 1659 jsettle1 1409 1877.75
Do drunk knights walk straight? josip_buje 2375 WildGooseChess 2102 rodeo 2020 JohnFrancis 1925 Tranzoo 1862 samhagen 1747 pepepibote 1721 Reodor 1326 1970.43
Long Live The Ding Gitu 2195 jessehf 2170 paolone 1957 rampichino 1907 Gnam 1903 pedropablo72 1813 walfie 1588 LucaGaglia73 1535 1917.86
OuTsTaNdInG mOvE KnightyKnight1996 2172 panicblue 2053 bichopebitou 1982 Djohnmark0 2048 VasiliShoot 1775 Winterfell95 1685 MonkeyStrategy 1524 tommyacin 1503 1862.00
Zeitnot Tianmu 2415 ne0c0rtex 2104 SundanceXLC 2046 OuterHeaven92 1958 ahhabib 1927 PaddyDaddy 1744 erv123 1612 dillontoups 1583 1949.71
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Board 7 Rtg Board 8 Rtg  
  actnonchalant 2217 nondrama 2027 iOnlyPractice 2219 kilichimonger 1920 frauber 1836 Laksas 1693 poopheaderic 1605 SupraScud 1502  
  mronemore 2104 Pushedpawn 2045 leobkho1 1964 ethannnnn 1905 jslavik 1847 PDX84 1669 ORIONfull 1652 allgo 1456  
  kakerlakensalat 2158 silver124 2070 never__quit 2017 DracoxVitae 1969 shetoo 2008 Lugr 1937 marian_roman 1621 aldeberan 1466  
  pegasus_2000 2243 fritsj 2199 maruuo 2043 VicPez 2103 GerasimosPap21 1872 Leasy 1876 frieslfrasl 1599 mipmop 1408  
  Bjorgvin1 2194 pioki 2018 OuterHeaven92 1958 Macalda 1884 penach0 1816 MrScribbles 1751 flipiflapi 1686 Thanmarkou 1297  
  FischyVishy 2211 Kvalasier 2092 Itzal 1999 scarff 1868 imikacic 1864 SupremeJozan 1775 Bruschlwummsi 1615 BishoptoC4 1561  
  hyge 2190 Mouselip 2028 myle 2019 AboudMEskeif 1877 j3084 1848 cid772 1772 KnightofValor201 1600 tenken 1456  
  SycoraxCirce 2095 gattican 2058 mdf2 1985 Forhavu 1876 DrOMM 1824 Board_13 1817 RottenPawn 1666 DaytoKnightMoves 1611  
  HNorbi96 2176 Mahmut69 2026 DaM1eN 1937 RaisinBranCrunch 1894 mekumcu 1820 lakinwecker 1776 rhohit 1607 asn8745 1489  
  lovlas 2448 okei 2035 AACtrl 2026 Coirelo 1927 Fr4nco61 1859 jpk1489 1751 jajandio 1663 Shuure 1415  
  OldOx 2316 BigEvo8 2058 M0r1 1997 Schackmacke 1927 Ecelal 1854 oldpaths 1716 Toffeeman 1693 pielsen 1583  
  Checkmatealot 2184 maxivgc 2161 Antaniserse 2040 mithilesh007132 1908 DrTodd 1833 nanapudding 1731 mynameismund 1640 ghostsword 1617  
  FlokiTheCat 2113 jonjons 1918 Marcelery 1752 Kry1001 1522  
  Jrjrjr4 2147 shmeeshlov 1800  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card