
Alekhine eat shrimp for $12.99 4 4 SCP
FlokiTheCat (2212) 10 god666 (2290)
pioki (2080) 01 Silkthewanderer (2085)
Isachess (1965) 10 chriswmac33 (2036)
nermin_dedovic (1890) 10 GOKUBA (1922)
ENESM (1839) 01 synapz (1861)
izcms02 (1848) 10 gregorgg (1780)
wingman3030 (1745) 01 BarbarAusBielefeld (1640)
rsava (1488) 01 mojomoe (1540)
ANCL Unstoppable Mates
ChessPatzerFrance (2116) 0F1X aln276 (2127)
Grizzzly1000 (2097) ½½ timothyha (2103)
Chesspatzerswan (1935) 10 Th3RomanticWarrior (2020)
NightJumpsKing (1915) 01 mekumcu (1952)
Ecelal (1898) 01 mixxanber (1898)
joyboy (1881) 10 mixxanber (1926)
Valoree (1697) 10 I8I9 (1706)
freddy267t (1614) 10 caodanny (1450)
The Berlin Rook Lift 2 6 Negative Talent In Life
eie24 (2181) 01 Narf64 (2181)
phantom567459 (2030) 01 Tommelskinke (2013)
Forhavu (1897) 10 Xkv (1965)
pedropablo72 (1932) 01 jwwells42 (1896)
Forhavu (1871) 10 thatoneguy1475 (1892)
izzie26 (1803) 01 sidetracked_owl (1817)
Kraaft (1698) 01 mynameismund (1724)
cinqued (1418) 01 uga40 (1585)
Our Position is So Bad Only a Vaccine Can Save It 5 3 London System Lovers
ChristopherChabris (2271) 10 jfarah (2142)
nsmiller7 (1995) ½½ Mixalaki2705 (2050)
iKew (1947) 10 flgoyens (1923)
y3LL3r (1928) 01 SunGoddess (1935)
mmatros (1788) ½½ Lalaze (1865)
Drotciv (1756) 10 Johnnyeccles01 (1770)
nit246 (1677) 10 JMHWSM (1665)
julianlalor (1634) 01 Rehbein (1594)
So Many Good Options May the Fork Be With You
roso97 (2153) ½½ jonjons (2143)
mkac (2075) 10 f1nn33 (2110)
myle (1983) 01 gborges0727 (2055)
pic1991 (1931) 10 TaielChess (1915)
sgis (1862) 10 DrOMM (1846)
lc91 (1852) 10 LukaCro (1786)
alex-arsenault (1682) 10 fwcj68 (1747)
rinrinrin (1568) 01 felang (1666)
Elitist Superior Minds 3 5 Silent Knights
Aleksandr88_62 (2174) ½½ athul777 (2160)
Pendru (2065) ½½ TheKova (2037)
kn960 (1989) 10 hhh1001 (2001)
dmavro (1927) 01 Ecclesiastic (1952)
dmsa_or (1845) 10 lyqst (1836)
samhagen (1820) 01 jsmithvestal (1833)
RossTheNinja (1581) 01 kschmigel (1666)
jcarmody (1556) 01 ApprenChess (1595)
Tonight Is The Knight 4 4 Mating Ritual
toddletales (2146) 10 LeEcU1 (2171)
Der_Bo (2079) 1X0F starbaker (2028)
jaak3l (1921) 01 Rank555 (1965)
postit (1897) 10 AquilesMM (1884)
Herzog51 (1838) 01 LemuelGullible (1871)
SouzaMoraes (1727) 01 nodortsam (1773)
kdayz (1729) 01 arjanschoonen (1726)
Sbstyn (1632) 10 TastyOs (1546)
8 Angry Pawns AlphaHeroes
jmatthew (2133) 10 lumenian (2159)
NoTTwitchy (1994) 10 isuckatchess247 (2056)
Queen_Blunder (1988) 10 Cannonbait (1944)
Showboater (1898) 01 Brundd (1934)
K0stasP (1848) 01 snorcal (1851)
ItsNotLike_I_LikeYou (1801) 01 H0tblackDesiat0 (1793)
oddskill (1656) 01 erv123 (1614)
bluper (1580) ½½ brunolift (1595)
Pawn Stars 3 5 My Uncle Works For Chess He'll Ban You
Chaskar (2140) 10 skyfaller1 (2244)
Wahlkatalane (2142) 01 N_Mar (2034)
CecilPurdy (1929) 01 marcelluspye (2016)
bichopebitou (1907) 01 Azelya196 (1954)
mcspeeruk (1812) 1X0F Macalda (1867)
Jamougha (1784) 10 PsyMar2 (1707)
Slamchops (1697) 01 ndc5057 (1697)
Mathmatika (1512) 01 mahithas (1064)
Will Smith-Morra 4 4 Reti or Not Here We Come Again
AleMore11 (2121) 01 thrillchester (2345)
Vegemite_Fighter (2052) 01 BigEvo8 (2107)
gaben1773 (2012) 10 yoyold (1976)
dkol (1885) 01 Elessar62442 (1933)
nacional100 (1850) 10 EltahirAmin (1887)
cid772 (1793) 10 ssyx (1773)
Cookos (1710) 01 Monolith4861 (1688)
Kry1001 (1524) 10 kjbetz (1179)
Famous Forking Legends Bongcloud, James Bongcloud.
IsaVulpes (2244) 10 arbisto (2135)
k-night-moves (2060) ½½ bufferunderrun (2113)
VicPez (1941) 10 coolestblue (1902)
Sarahwynn (1887) 01 adande1 (1855)
Chewbacca_Defense (1863) 10 JuyopVGC (1854)
gavalanche20 (1758) 01 slamjam (1817)
mqll (1648) 01 ImproveToIM (1712)
LeChuckForPresident (1305) 01 zher0 (1580)
We Might Be Short We Might Be Tal But We Are Hardkorchnoi 0-0-0: No time to castle
hairbeRt (2116) 01 Marsh_Knight (2213)
Theknugdorf (2076) 1X0F sensensen (2090)
electricbutter (2028) 10 STCLion (1964)
patalanoc (1821) 01 Safaero (1902)
cvillian (1870) 1X0F Notsamire (1802)
RottenPawn (1778) ½½ Kolskegg (1772)
RebelMe (1749) 10 walfie (1655)
ShaunFerry (1527) 0F1X lepertoe (1581)
The Beach-Bound Bishops 4 4 Caro Kann My Wayward Son
mronemore (2115) 01 nukeychess (2189)
rezoons (2077) 01 PrivateDiarist (2079)
NLance (1953) 10 SoChessGoes (1939)
jswanberg (1849) 10 kilichimonger (1925)
kponds (1857) 10 pulsar512b (1847)
pburns1587 (1760) 01 Emkatt (1813)
tmac12390 (1718) 01 T_Taylor (1717)
gigantaure (1585) 10 Janetheus (1474)
Weird Human Lines DrDrunkenstein, or How I Learned to Love the Bongcloud
Razorneck (2215) ½½ okoros (2306)
cnrtr (2082) ½½ Sesquipedalism (2037)
Landmoose (2045) ½½ Self_aware_Lettuce (1904)
collinb9 (1899) 01 sexbucket (1880)
PurrfectMates (1811) 10 ferodeto (1871)
waynebeam (1775) 01 Lugr (1805)
Pe-lle (1669) 10 Sonnichsen (1701)
kampsun (1446) 01 electricfalcon (1276)
Kappablanca 6 2 Rookin' Good
FirstnameLastname (2230) ½½ silver124 (2126)
Jegern1 (2014) 10 MrKamikazeBoy (2133)
mathijshuis (1979) ½½ xipqag (1939)
scarff (1979) 01 ascoliloko (1896)
seb32 (1887) 10 Mackjalek97 (1844)
glbert (1806) 10 Unavitadistenti (1756)
UpGoerFive (1606) 10 Tim17 (1679)
Kani501 (1455) 10 JumpJazz (1583)
Bruno Benoni 2 6 Big Bad Blundering Buffoons
pierremarc1986 (2130) 10 Nviper06 (2158)
mcastellani18 (2099) 10 nonowho (2027)
Veith2310 (1934) 01 Eidol (2023)
val1313 (1893) 01 nerja25390 (1929)
lakinwecker (1841) 01 netherfiel (1838)
mirkojotic (1729) 01 rahulukumar (1849)
Ivandrago23 (1690) 01 Tolsonb (1776)
z0x (1324) 01 Zopherus (1522)
Pawndæmonium 3 5 Incoherent Development
drchessdad (2120) ½½ zoranabc (2260)
M0r1 (1982) 01 IzoRyu (2021)
Paulze2000 (1965) ½½ Schackmacke (1955)
chesshavoc (1838) ½½ RoyceBraccket (1925)
Marcos_Paulo (1837) ½½ freefal (1797)
Lou-E (1794) 01 WightUnderscore (1705)
MrDumbDumb (1794) 0F1X nahdrav (1700)
GERDie (1543) 10 FortniteSlayer77YT (1446)
All Knight Thinking 4 4 Embrace the Game
scurly (2219) 10 Svendra (2182)
HoudinicisMedicis (2022) 10 MoiRon (2050)
Merkava777 (1925) 10 david-innes (1910)
The_Wayward_Prince (1944) 01 thoughtless2 (1968)
ThePawnSlayer (1852) 01 Connerator (1814)
TSMHansen1 (1731) 01 pepepibote (1753)
ZheniaSemyanko (1638) 01 darubaru (1738)
brilliantBlunder (1610) 10 CJ_Zimmermann (1439)
Even Gary himself could not defeat us (Gary from Spongebob) Eat that Horse!
Pawndercover (2254) 10 HNorbi96 (2184)
ashishacharya (2047) 10 AACtrl (2102)
Pras108 (1953) 01 luvgangster (1934)
cmrobbe (1896) 10 Shadow008 (1871)
PaddyDaddy (1822) 10 Fr4nco61 (1869)
Lupo_Jones (1801) ½½ Kramopolis (1803)
ekopp2000 (1733) 1X0F BongcloudLegend (1724)
jsettle1 (1427) 10 Reodor (1408)
Don’t Hate, Just Mate Riki-Tiki-Tavi
ReyFeroz (2085) ½½ axp156 (2154)
Razorsharponly (2018) 10 Iamzex (2033)
Itzal (2000) 01 BenMTL (1941)
joshdenton1 (1937) 10 Tactix47 (1940)
Board_13 (1795) 01 rsmillie94 (1877)
adrienb96 (1712) 10 terriblebackin (1727)
librocubiculartist (1701) 01 Sahithyas (1689)
jockboi (1615) 10 Boomer34 (1541)
Rolling Pawns Albin and the Chipmunks
jessehf (2188) ½½ yago666 (2188)
Ninjaste82 (1990) 0F1X no_seigen (2010)
paolone (1959) 01 j3084 (1981)
rampichino (1926) 10 garfield1980 (1921)
seius (1781) 01 flipiflapi (1807)
leo2dipikke (1745) 10 kamizik (1777)
dillontoups (1635) 01 oddsox (1772)
LucaGaglia73 (1579) 01 pinbsg21 (1546)
The Talminators 3 5 Boring Draws Only
OldOx (2350) 10 WildGooseChess (2143)
Artian12 (2096) 10 rodeo (1988)
calkaiserwilks (1916) 01 PracticalNiceGuy (1959)
qrs (1860) 01 Tranzoo (1864)
Khasi1596 (1836) 10 colwem (1782)
jbeast2882 (1759) 01 MrScribbles (1816)
Toffeeman (1733) 01 Nairwolf (1690)
Cremedelacoys (1318) 01 Rskyoz (1571)