Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 29 : 1 game
Season 28: 7 games for The Hippopotamus in the Swamp

Season 28

Rd 1 marian_roman (1765) - xandic 1-0
Rd 2 xandic - housesounds (1790) 0-1
Rd 3 xandic - freddy267t (1698) 0-1
Rd 4 Le-Penseur (1704) - xandic 1-0
Rd 5 xandic - UncleVinny (1718) 0-1
Rd 7 vejen (1718) - xandic ½-½
Rd 8 xandic - KapuBen (1473) 1-0
Score: 1.5/7 Perf rating: 1465

Career Statistics

Career Score: 5/14 Perf rating: 1605