
Adult Decliners Magic rainbows and the Rambo cat riding a flame-breathing unicorn or the story of how I tried to learn the Caro-Kann
Kjar (2112) 01 LuzhinAcademy (2248)
timothyha (2096) 01 bufferunderrun (2118)
scarff (2032) 10 zagoldy (2015)
scarff (2019) 10 ikalel (1962)
Abolizer (1946) 1X0F BobAnderson52 (1931)
Rolihlahla (1801) 01 sideshow_bob (1858)
Jputterg (1737) 1X0F EthanSmall (1751)
KirkD (1731) 10 Constant1n (1689)
jurica_c (1597) 10 dy_lan10 (1605)
samuelglats (1570) ½½ RodGammon (1445)
Looking for Mates Aagaard's Army
perham (?) 0F1X BuckDuck (2342)
root2 (2088) 01 kanakaishou (1977)
chessnerdbird (2058) 10 kanakaishou (1995)
fhunfi (2012) 10 Stormford (1945)
Matt365 (1849) 01 avotoast2 (1857)
heroku (1836) 10 AlexMorgenthau (1829)
LouisBuckland (1785) 10 StoppedClock (1788)
SrinivasBharathNK (1762) 01 ssyx (1715)
SlowChess73 (1606) 10 Pifisch (1556)
fulmarsky (1540) ½½ prostidude (1556)
Pawns Across The World Svidler on the Roof
mathijshuis (2167) ½½ eie24 (2199)
gearx (2175) 10 Gustavkar (2060)
HeartOfStone (1973) 01 benellis3 (2001)
JoseOMG (1967) 01 phantom567459 (1973)
STCLion (1853) 01 Herzog51 (1917)
ImustLose10000Games (1748) 01 wdhorton (1831)
lleee (1746) ½½ Bebetter14 (1829)
Dolphin1000 (1689) ½½ kotoole (1628)
gorgol (1685) 10 davegiltinan (1618)
antlerkiller (1627) 10 PocketKnight39 (1520)
You Brought a Bishop to a Knight Fight 10 0 d4 d5 Bf4 +- The rest is a matter of technique
Qudit (2149) 10 AverageLondonEnjoyer (2230)
VicPez (2084) 10 irongalaxy (2028)
Chewbacca_Defense (2058) 10 palet_master (1971)
seb32 (1894) 10 FiveBucks (1943)
Angrybird029 (1859) 10 pepepibote (1869)
allyrbsrblngtus (1871) 10 Rskyoz (1823)
adrienb96 (1797) 10 espnnate (1782)
destroyer11758 (1727) 10 espnjosh (1709)
samkellett (1656) 1X0F Kry1001 (1657)
Reiscritor (1548) 10 ShadowedSpace (1490)
Maybe the Real Treasure Was the FENs We Made Along the Way Puzzled Rushers
jessehf (2224) 01 okoros (2318)
AlexGaul (2126) 10 mini_karpov (2062)
Lupo_Jones (1898) ½½ qrs (2019)
cathode-ray-jepsen (1922) 10 Whelp10 (1991)
Lupo_Jones (1891) 10 zADAcLaY (1944)
sidetracked_owl (1851) 01 DrVonGoosewing (1799)
unclevinny (1754) 01 Rivimies (1809)
jeremyjh (1639) 10 joejoepie (1659)
mqll (1560) 01 dodochesso (1628)
wernervolkmann (1422) 10 mjodonnell (1070)
Sponsored by 808s & Checkmate
FlokiTheCat (2259) ½½ Fearlessking64 (2428)
mronemore (2103) ½½ GravellyPoint (2059)
sgis (1928) 01 Latinovicz (2002)
glbert (1872) 10 nvasquez (1952)
topspin15 (1819) 01 nvasquez (1935)
ekopp2000 (1784) 10 mfeeney88 (1802)
PharmacistGambit (1776) 10 jojoschessadventure (1747)
S1CKone (1684) 10 TastyOs (1689)
Boomer34 (1669) 01 zbebe (1647)
laskontti (1499) ½Z½Z osumarko (1060)
Bongcloud 9 Perpetual check out this blunder
Visaith (2200) 01 Groger12 (2101)
Razorsharponly (2189) 10 itisfeathers (2047)
rojazu (1986) ½½ pie314271 (2045)
NLance (1997) 01 kajoM (1995)
Tuuralihn (1904) 01 izcms02 (1895)
rsmillie94 (1856) ½½ rsandzimier (1820)
didnothingwrong (1689) ½½ mcqknigh (1814)
sephiroth87 (1633) 01 TowerOfSolitude (1701)
opus71a (1630) 01 Jkernan7553 (1684)
Jrussell8 (1386) 01 UpGoerFive (1587)
Isolated Sextupled f-Pawns Sac now, think later
PJJackson (2144) 10 tommeketoch (2256)
wakeupspaceboy (2079) 01 nadjarostowa (2030)
Ryzalis (1986) 10 greedydragon (1988)
jk_182 (1958) 10 et5555yang (1966)
erichprivat (1866) 10 amanlikekennyken (1857)
jrcrawford512 (1854) 01 mmgoo (1862)
NivMizz (1745) 01 davidmc12 (1775)
Steve-North (1714) 01 dpurgin (1737)
nokiokid (1639) ½½ CFeerick (1639)
Fey22 (1560) 0F1X Kobra09 (1585)
Teclaf's Chairleaders 3 7 Damaged pawn structure Inc.
BudSpenser (2357) 10 antazhi8 (2206)
O1189998819991197253 (2110) 01 OddGM (2060)
Superfighter (2097) ½½ Sh1ba_in_the_park (1974)
Potnes (1985) 01 Vargas04 (1942)
wizzywop (1908) ½Z½Z supertoby (1790)
Salwen (1794) 0F1X Kramopolis (1813)
johnjaison2008 (1736) 10 secretarisvogel (1771)
BarbarAusBielefeld (1702) 01 ThePenguinOfDeath (1667)
WolfInCheapClothing (1620) 01 lagar83 (1651)
datcerealbaux (1483) 01 greener255 (1461)
Mates Are Better Than Friends Nimzo 2000
Mehzinho (2164) 10 chatakkuma (2127)
rossd (2042) 01 chatakkuma (2124)
HumanStragedy (2027) ½½ davidthepawn (1919)
FourLanChurro (1904) 10 Paulze2000 (1962)
Moccy (1894) 10 Mon_Ouie (1866)
ishallwooopyoass (1817) 10 dcamp (1843)
callzumen (1742) 10 ShlippyDippy (1745)
King_killer27 (1754) 10 badair (1718)
kamekura (1673) 10 ericBG (1690)
ruhib (1557) 1X0F epabarker (1498)
All Knight Long Wuthering Knights
Michael-Westen (2224) 10 Brundd (2175)
Pauli314 (2063) 01 wargoblin (2140)
dave3 (2007) 01 Geigenzaehler (1986)
ButterPecan (1940) ½½ dkol (1914)
cvillian (1852) 10 GOKUBA (1821)
pedropablo72 (1816) 01 feskslo (1799)
LucaGaglia73 (1760) ½½ iljazbru (1736)
CocoBeanz (1676) ½Z½Z mojomoe (1695)
cinqued (1477) 10 ruip (1638)
cinqued (1495) 01 mumblecoredumbledore (1583)
Chairmen of the Board 3 7 We will only play with Alireza
Kayrosas (2198) 01 uczen-369 (2248)
ChessPriyome (2070) 10 gborges0727 (2131)
Knoddel (2028) ½½ M0r1 (1957)
snorcal (1924) 01 ascoliloko (1911)
Brainet (1858) 01 Spiteknight (1831)
Antennaman (1809) 01 Slamchops (1838)
Davidc2214 (1799) ½½ thepaul1 (1818)
pddchess (1755) 01 Fellchaos (1779)
JMcrath (1735) 0F1X snadyc (1636)
caodanny (1502) 1X0F splixer (1265)
Lichess bans keyboa 3 7 Back, Sac and Attack
Silkthewanderer (2169) 10 Second2Nunn (2092)
Sesquipedalism (2120) 01 Roofies (2054)
Ecclesiastic (1963) 01 fookh (2031)
bassoder (1966) 01 aloo_bhaloo (1908)
mynameismund (1859) 01 RageEight (1896)
giziti (1845) 01 apdent42 (1878)
loungelizard (1829) 01 chiasmata (1726)
Gingersquirrelnuts (1675) 01 jackaardvark (1684)
arubiera (1604) 1X0F Nairwolf (1665)
slam267 (1528) 10 electricfalcon (1453)
Misunderstanding Chess Move by Move Good Bishop Hunting
ap_s0205120 (2193) 01 wilfj (2077)
gaben1773 (2063) ½½ losttheplot (2072)
smerlijn (1984) 10 yerboiMatias (2035)
Clarinetref (1959) ½½ Jamougha (1985)
Hindemith (1903) 01 FunnyLikeAClown (1904)
Bone-Collector (1864) 01 Thooorin (1795)
Pe-lle (1827) 1X0F LionelHuttzz (1732)
systemsson1927 (1794) 01 SaucySailorJackTar (1719)
Stormerofbarns (1616) ½Z½Z Eternal013 (1615)
dnlhlt (1396) 01 bornacavrag (1501)
Ten Terrible Timemanagers rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPPKPPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - 1 2
IsaVulpes (2261) ½½ Fishmoro (2135)
SayChessClassical (2112) ½Z½Z Radmankaruf (2120)
lioxxx (2035) 10 pic1991 (1983)
Rolfomania (1959) 10 asian42 (1945)
Squire_Western (1926) ½½ levier17 (1863)
hvfda (1788) 01 bcande01 (1775)
Rylor3000 (1742) ½Z½Z zbidwell (1734)
jendrasek (1701) ½Z½Z asingh11 (1743)
thiccclouds (1619) 10 hernank41 (1645)
B2C4G7 (1457) 10 tpk1024 (1526)
Pick smth better this time pls Sac Theory
TheGameHen (2121) 01 osrswoodcutting (2152)
milanrad (2101) 01 Toonerer (2135)
esKaayY (2031) ½Z½Z Mackjalek97 (1923)
Wealth_And_Taste (1953) 01 trex_47 (1908)
doughorn (1861) 01 charliehorse55 (1879)
imikacic (1815) ½½ chesshavoc (1870)
rampichino (1803) 0F1X rostk (1816)
NickR98 (1748) 01 TSMHansen1 (1692)
drewmfournier (1594) ½Z½Z Ferchosalgado (1667)
dama_x_rey (1419) 01 FernandoARG (1502)
Panov! at the Disco 7 3 Nepo’s Bishop: No Way Home
zazziki (2105) 01 Chesstrix01 (2227)
Chizzle76 (2091) 10 Potatomancer (2077)
omertil (1924) 01 cyndaquil1 (2016)
aerDNA69 (1871) 01 BattleAxiom (1928)
DiscoverChex (1876) 10 ChewbakaTheRookie (1852)
fake_switch (1851) 10 lemmawool (1771)
Astronominoff (1778) 10 LordPericulum (1717)
Ivory12 (1723) 10 keeto (1593)
keithxm23 (1611) 10 Hassenpheffer (1579)
jkoch1 (1538) 10 Fpmahoney20 (1534)
Confused shuffling 7 3 Saturday Knight Fever
gabrahmad (2183) 10 tutunuz (2231)
RaitonvsFuuton (2044) 10 jantho (2172)
Schackmacke (2017) 10 puppies_are_fun (1907)
val1313 (1910) 10 jackman99352 (1897)
Scaredpeach (1859) 01 guingil (1867)
cwalden (1858) ½½ JoeBigGamer (1825)
Dkeey (1722) ½½ ineptitudeinaction (1728)
Reodor (1717) 10 T_Taylor (1682)
Nuxoz (1625) 10 Archilas (1669)
Apidae (1483) 01 Lexgrad (1407)
Seasoned Blunderers Legalize Caruana
Bjorgvin1 (2278) 01 chessfish2 (2296)
y3LL3r (2061) 10 louiegunz (2061)
Dtdeep (1953) ½½ danbock (2028)
myle (1946) 10 invinci7777 (1946)
plastic_pusher (1877) 10 b4dger (1887)
psmathgeek (1837) 10 BioNoob (1824)
DRK123 (1736) 0F1X breakfastchamp (1803)
Birdsell (1673) 01 BoraBoy (1757)
matt_chess_play (1623) 10 marian_chicu (1560)
cazualdev (1517) 10 ozengnr (1448)
Chesster Utd 4 6 The Judge Mentalists
Rcyx (2193) 1X0F Hendrik2020 (2196)
Zubenelgenubi (2004) 01 j3084 (2056)
Marcos_Paulo (1972) ½Z½Z inarch (2036)
Lukas_knuser (1945) ½½ wiggs1 (1923)
goirish (1900) 0F1X AACtrl (1879)
Pope123 (1798) 10 quaini (1823)
stevenlongs (1755) 01 robertjackson (1811)
ipr (1665) 01 quarkiomatic (1638)
Phroney (1578) 10 Ross067 (1569)
fuchurchess (1430) 01 Ross067 (1560)
Pollo Diablo para capitán Blindfolded Bishops
AlanChessy (2219) 01 x420noscope (2258)
grabhispieces (2066) 01 LeoYee (2047)
El_pollo_diablo (2078) 0F1X lion88 (2000)
Felipekaox (1857) 01 KingSlayer78 (1868)
Random69 (1842) 10 Monoligopoly (1859)
SadFrenchFry (1789) 10 burnhart (1792)
a2c4 (1686) ½Z½Z antonholl (1737)
curtismcpeek (1646) ½Z½Z HokieChemist (1659)
BobFisga (1641) ½Z½Z stelip42 (1547)
Dawn4365 (1308) 01 ragaltron (1519)
110. e4 Team Name Declined Variation
Ajolote4 (2389) ½Z½Z Aidoz (2262)
August_der_Starke (2014) 10 KnightFury21 (2046)
far1108 (2030) 1X0F Meeklydim (1946)
DioBrando12345 (1954) 01 flipiflapi (1895)
goatsgreetings (1913) 01 Cannonbait (1837)
ztraynor (1775) 01 theBunglet (1807)
masedog91 (1753) 10 kibenur (1778)
FingersBerry (1647) 01 jippiedoe (1735)
Brettkoz (1546) 01 eudaimoni4 (1557)
Crazywane254 (1306) 10 jsettle1 (1434)
Keep Kann and Caro On 1. e4 e6 Kiss
dogthepanda (2092) 10 CamLeslie (2223)
lumenian (2059) 10 CPTsopiens (2105)
liboy (2071) ½Z½Z HarmlessChessNub (1991)
jeekiii (1932) ½½ RedzoneNova (1911)
Koyae (1839) 10 Midnightokar (1830)
sunitdemenace (1753) 0F1X fvafier (1824)
Labradhur (1756) ½½ ibiwisi (1749)
greysensei (1623) 01 texasadam (1677)
Acornjohnson (1559) 10 twobits (1641)
houcharlie (1526) 01 mmorrisohio (1473)
I've been through the season on a team with no name 6 3 More Tal Kombat
notzmv (2193) 1X0F BloodyFox (2121)
KS_Legion_Legionowo (2076) 10 artel89 (2111)
rodeo (1970) 10 scvrf (1934)
adande1 (1961) 10 eigentor (1930)
Tranzoo (1758) 01 Tasunoro (1871)
Tranzoo (1771) 01 amirkhaled21 (1796)
failingtheIB (1738) 0F0F CornX (1775)
LanArch (1650) 10 lepertoe (1704)
zher0 (1555) 10 leebster (1678)
Heathcliffs (1511) 01 Outbox (1564)
Forking Legends 7 3 Hyper Accelerated Blunders
QEDemonstrandum (2140) 01 Like-a-hurricane (2428)
texaspete09 (2074) 10 Alegre_River (2055)
gmat20020 (1983) 10 deathmetalled (1958)
Chesspatzerswan (1903) ½½ Krolin (1866)
covton (1936) 01 ba55i5t (1823)
Macalda (1765) 10 RunningInVienna (1756)
Ecelal (1763) 1X0F VicPyrrhic (1723)
freddy267t (1664) 10 thehippieking (1719)
Barry_Forshaw (1612) 10 burni28 (1510)
rafaelnajera (1513) ½Z½Z Timneji (1508)