Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 7 : 8 games for 1-move blunder
Season 6 : 8 games for a6 and chill
Season 3: 8 games for Sac's on the Beach

Season 3

Rd 1 Hkivrak (1566) - Festivus 1-0
Rd 2 Festivus - fradtheimpaler (1561) 0-1
Rd 3 dialh (1474) - Festivus 1-0
Rd 4 Festivus - Pawnpunter (1516) 0-1
Rd 5 ghostologist (1489) - Festivus 1-0
Rd 6 Festivus - ElJefe08 (1527) 1X-0F
Rd 7 ca7alyst81 (1637) - Festivus ½Z-½Z
Rd 8 tothe6thpower (1452) - Festivus ½-½
Score: 2/8 Perf rating: 1109

Career Statistics

Career Score: 10.5/40 Perf rating: 1286