Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 35: 5 games for The Zugzwang Zebras
Season 34 : 6 games for 1.f4 is the word
Season 33 : 0 games
Lichess LoneWolf

Season 35

Rd 1 lonelyghost06 (1579) - Chess24768 ½-½
Rd 3 diecast_illusion (1594) - Chess24768 ½-½
Rd 4 Chess24768 - dama_x_rey (1354) 1-0
Rd 5 ElGalloAzucarado (1252) - Chess24768 0F-1X
Rd 6 Chess24768 - Lexgrad (1425) ½-½
Score: 3.5/5

Career Statistics

Career Score: 8.5/11 Perf rating: 1657