Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 19 : 8 games for Alapin Your Face
Season 9 : 0 games
Season 4: 7 games for the losers
Season 3 : 8 games for W.I.N.N.E.R.S.
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #8 : 6 games
LoneWolf #4 : 3 games

Season 4

the losers
Board 5
Rd 1 jmcampbell (1646) - jacobhess 0-1
Rd 2 jacobhess - ImBadGoEasy (1648) 0-1
Rd 3 jacobhess - Immortality (1656) 0-1
Rd 4 krischan (1730) - jacobhess ½-½
Rd 5 freefal (1679) - jacobhess 1-0
Rd 7 icendoan (1624) - jacobhess ½-½
Rd 8 angborxley (1651) - jacobhess 0-1
Score: 3/7 Perf rating: 1612

Career Statistics

Career Score: 15.5/39 Perf rating: 1704