Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 40: 4 games for Return of the Ding
Season 39 : 0 games
Season 37 : 0 games
Season 36 : 8 games for DDOS Gambit
Season 23 : 1 game
Season 21 : 8 games for iyd0pXQi
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #18 (Open) : 11 games

Season 40

Rd 1 Igoka60 (1868) - JuyopVGC 1-0
Rd 2 JuyopVGC - TinsyNub (1808) ½-½
Rd 3 plastic_pusher (1895) - JuyopVGC 1-0
Score: 0.5/3
Rd 4 JuyopVGC - Saturnitus (1886) 07/01 - 07/08
Rd 5 Scheduled 07/08 - 07/15
Rd 6 Scheduled 07/15 - 07/22
Rd 7 Scheduled 07/22 - 07/29
Rd 8 Scheduled 07/29 - 08/05

Career Statistics

Career Score: 21/43 Perf rating: 1800