
Fantastic Blunders and Where To Find Them 0 1 Old Moves New Blunders
GHOSTJW (2176) Badplayer35 (2476)
BMAstatine (2120) arbisto (2070)
greysensei (1997) Grizzzly1000 (2038)
happy_daffodils (1950) 01 Paulze2000 (1980)
alex11star (1864) PVGibson (1869)
Hesperian (1794) anavrinn (1778)
Kuhla (1726) SrinivasBharathNK (1747)
caodanny (1695) shortyadamshardwick (1282)
we wear jeans to all our games ½ I Like my Suggestion
lopezasceves (2158) ½½ sylvlondon (2338)
jpgmich (2092) Ciraid (2044)
Sarahwynn (1977) matthewhuber (1981)
ComputerUser2607 (1976) lorb (1965)
vrkp323 (1866) Joonaf (1848)
MrJohnny (1794) basilcandle (1824)
YouCheckMeICheckYou (1777) 10 Kezberg (1650)
electricfalcon (1532) UpGoerFive (1615)
Total Lemons 2 0 Well and Truly Forked
Scrooge (2271) milanrad (2174)
FunnyAnimatorJimTV (2131) marlenin (2121)
AACtrl (2021) 10 octacle (2006)
simonWasHere (1893) NameGoesInHere (1972)
RabbieR (1892) nseek (1930)
TristanBrown17 (1813) heroku (1822)
Airini_H (1684) Business_Prof (1696)
wernervolkmann (1543) 10 DrRickinCT (1434)
There’s no crying in chess (unless you lose) 0 1 The Bee's Knees
james2998 (2109) 01 Feet_Barbie (2186)
j3084 (2057) MilsBees (2098)
Inter-temporal (2016) DuncanClotfelter (2057)
killager1 (1916) p_s_q (1990)
Bpack (1874) gary0892 (1852)
JokicInator15 (1845) markoni99 (1822)
oNoMyKing (1694) RBorja1980 (1761)
AtomikMorphy (1679) dama_x_rey (1433)
Flipiflapi Network International, LLC 0 0 My Team Never Talks To Me
frostypanda37 (2291) mysonnevercallme (2142)
KnightFury21 (2071) CapeStGeorge (2142)
Meeklydim (2064) xvx_Amanda_xvx (2000)
val1313 (1969) Pe-lle (1961)
flipiflapi (1916) ChessRook07 (1898)
prostidude (1805) codydegen (1840)
Aurichalcite (1721) TsumoChess (1666)
falstan (1532) Loveea (1600)
64 squares of An(gu)ish 2 3 Gone with the Windmill
fritsj (2283) Alvaro64 (2220)
jc123987 (2120) 01 guitarspider (2067)
DaChessPlayerr (2006) ½½ Pope123 (2029)
MEGALODON777hs (1971) NirakuHakamura (2015)
baltic_gambit (1850) 01 Tranzoo (1821)
DoesHoodRatStuff (1841) ½½ cinemashow (1755)
IckyDemon (1720) 10 pezzo17 (1633)
fulmarsky (1506) pereelcoix (1610)
Tish, the world's oldest goldfish 1 3 CheckGPT
GoneNowhere (2221) ½½ ItsASecret2000 (2195)
axp156 (2119) drchessdad (2116)
cobaltwave (2043) DjungelJakob (1973)
DrVonGoosewing (1971) 01 Moccy (1903)
Jarolos (1824) ½½ paintman (1879)
niconic (1793) 01 KirkD (1812)
prendradjaja (1692) ssyx (1710)
Kborman (1646) keeto (1579)
Quite a collection of miscreants and ne'er do wells we have here 0 1 50 Shades of Tal
Silkthewanderer (2226) chatakkuma (2237)
Mennonite (2056) jol-le (2079)
wizzywop (2007) purplecheese73 (2000)
Zubenelgenubi (1937) 01 CarlosMagnussen (1919)
MrScribbles (1871) MerrickS (1833)
casual921 (1733) kostasvl (1788)
freddy267t (1719) STCLion (1770)
jcarmody (1612) iceonmars (1505)
Resign Against The Machine 0 1 The Blue Jean Gambit
arthi15 (2322) rio2018 (2256)
M0r1 (2050) akristjansson (2161)
callosum (2017) 01 stefan15sds (2034)
therealKD2 (1974) e_rider (1917)
ButterPecan (1917) Anthammer (1832)
solarboyLMP (1776) Slugman92 (1783)
BigPig93 (1731) Lyrurus (1719)
R0B-W (1580) rjhoro (1594)
Veni, Vidi, Forki 0 0 MEGA: Make Endgames Great Again
Paxarz (2185) somerapidplayer (2185)
timemp (2039) sacwin (2125)
LelouchOver9000 (1964) timothyha (1995)
oOoSHONUFFoOo (1960) manuP73 (1885)
Hepatiaaa (1866) Rolihlahla (1848)
Mika0947 (1854) ShakaObre (1788)
chessfefe (1748) nic_west (1632)
jared-hall (1570) ribrubrib (1626)
By Hook Or By Rook Actions Have Pawnsequences
Superfighter (2116) 10 FailImprove (2246)
snowDeath (2065) dexz (2065)
cloheessy793 (2036) 01 Minot (1998)
mn1171 (2013) ChristopherMcc (1994)
King_Raven (1852) andrewrimmer (1949)
JohnJPershing (1780) ½½ eldotore (1738)
xkm (1677) sena22 (1706)
kygreek (1616) snehulCZ (1677)
team-as-in-teamily 0 1 Howell we do?
susiedent (2259) tommeketoch (2300)
Jg777 (2034) GospelGambit (2083)
yellorambo (2002) LemuelGullible (2002)
em-as-in-emily (1929) sideshow_bob (1875)
samit_d (1818) patk74 (1835)
fork2020 (1758) 01 Dadievid (1815)
SedNomini (1717) seandcosta (1683)
MatthewKCanada (1624) hudja (1593)
No draws, just drama 0 0 Can't Believe I Just Played That Move
Jelle1 (2362) taxiway (2364)
Brundd (2120) shamdi (1992)
rustyvm (2051) NxN (1989)
AJAX2023 (1957) secureonion (1913)
flyingfred (1894) joshkorr (1911)
WhiteRiceMatters (1799) PumPkiiN (1795)
Mizrab (1730) a2c4 (1670)
nito-kihk (1300) AvianAnalyst (1319)
Our EKG shows irregular QRS 1 0 Dubov's Sacrificial Victims
Der_Bo (2177) 10 NoMate4u (2335)
qrs (2042) AlexGaul (2070)
ascoliloko (1947) swisk (2000)
Racheschach (1906) adande1 (1947)
systemsson1927 (1847) kinpin007 (1837)
EthanJojy (1790) GenTurgidson (1762)
Kobra09 (1783) TTotr (1747)
gpetris (1703) strider547 (1443)
Pawns on strike! We demand promotion! 1 1 Never underestimate people with default person icon
Mag1c1an01 (2228) 10 bigboss12345 (2169)
FerstStep25 (2162) 01 Arges42 (2150)
jeffsonadam (1925) Dan-Jon (1963)
topspin15 (1892) Zeebo_the_clown (1935)
tomshko (1849) blasjuan (1842)
soelver (1787) joehan (1801)
Swgfskdf (1764) ysgwydd (1803)
shum13 (1586) vicsynn (1441)
There Can Benoni One 1 0 Stockfish Syndrome
AleksanderBerge (2191) NLance (2153)
ventricule (2079) Fierolocchio (2081)
markmarkedymarkmark (2024) Michal1403 (1973)
chesshavoc (1872) kajoM (1976)
Sbstyn (1833) 10 TheHighManBurner (1794)
dynamiccommander (1780) Soreby (1780)
Bortvinik (1649) walkingtalkingeye (1644)
HighonPotnuse (1603) speeder1987 (1628)
What's in a name? That which we call a blunder, by any other word would smell as sour 0 0 Lies, Damned Lies, and ACPL
jessehf (2281) Leverkuhn (2344)
Astronominoff (2076) gercondon (2070)
VanRoy (1974) FunnyLikeAClown (2014)
aeroplanino1986 (1975) ScotchWhisky (1971)
Nestor3690 (1909) bobsouzabr (1796)
lonelyghost06 (1766) AScannerDarkly (1757)
Sneaky_Attack (1715) pgrucza (1644)
baberle (1517) Lexgrad (1439)
8 games ½ Boldly go where no man has gone Be4
yeyq (2212) alp_arslan92 (2351)
ckhai26 (2007) dave3 (2072)
japszi (2056) ½½ Ram-o (2006)
robertswa (1896) 10 CianD91 (1927)
PapaShirogane (1812) Lukcur12 (1810)
fwcj68 (1792) 10 hoover2 (1757)
rob625 (1674) oxnateri (1646)
pispirin (1548) workjob202 (1392)
Knight Might Fight All Night 2 0 The last minute team
grenbork (2094) UW_Brock (2229)
flatheman3 (2054) darkfl0me (2014)
paulofla (1997) 10 michaeld (1918)
IstindRunnerJr (1983) 10 Jbyrd11 (1903)
endgamemaster369 (1878) glbert (1861)
notblindfoldPh4 (1739) Aeior (1819)
Monolith4861 (1734) gratus907 (1666)
mqll (1645) Marco_Chess13 (1482)
Infinite blitz tiebreaks paradox 0 2 Petron Petroff
qablo (2267) 01 KS_Legion_Legionowo (2157)
jwwells42 (2072) GroneN (2037)
bufferunderrun (2064) gmat20020 (1997)
Matorn (1957) elii123 (1928)
nicalvarez (1872) robertjackson (1850)
RMNL (1732) 01 ztraynor (1829)
DamiGarcia (1617) kauberdi (1629)
WasdMouse (1457) thehippieking (1598)
Hushed Moves 1 1 Something By Tomorrow
Qudit (2246) mronemore (2230)
Knoddel (2041) KonrDer (2101)
lc69 (2039) Friedwing (2031)
Matt365 (1918) mynameismund (1929)
mkubecek (1818) tone_fresh (1858)
SerenityPigeon (1733) kamekura (1752)
Asturc0n (1660) 01 CoffeDrinker (1723)
BigDumpTaker (1507) 10 COSMOAPS (1248)