Other Seasons
Lichess4545 League
Season 43:
4 games for
The last minute team
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #36 (U1800)
3 games
Season 43
The last minute team
Board 8
Round 1:Rd 1 | falstan (1518) - Marco_Chess13 (1462) | 1-0 |
Round 2:Rd 2 | Marco_Chess13 (1443) - jcarmody (1604) | 0-1 |
Round 3:Rd 3 | ChessisHard101 (1535) - Marco_Chess13 (1464) | 0-1 |
Score: 1/3 |
Round 4:Rd 4 | Marco_Chess13 (1482) - mqll (1645) | |
Round 5:Rd 5 | Scheduled | 03/10 - 03/17 |
Round 6:Rd 6 | Scheduled | 03/17 - 03/24 |
Round 7:Rd 7 | Scheduled | 03/24 - 03/31 |
Round 8:Rd 8 | Scheduled | 03/31 - 04/07 |
Career Statistics
Career Score: 1/3 |