Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 5: 8 games for Knight at the Disco
Season 3 : 8 games for Promote to Pawn
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #23 (Open) : 11 games
LoneWolf #4 : 1 game

Season 5

Rd 1 gambytes (1719) - Philgood84 1-0
Rd 2 Heidman (1724) - Philgood84 ½-½
Rd 3 Philgood84 - shetoo (1705) 0-1
Rd 4 JuanSnow (1585) - Philgood84 1-0
Rd 5 Philgood84 - MadLoKi (1696) 0-1
Rd 6 Philgood84 - lakinwecker (1602) 0-1
Rd 7 arensma (1713) - Philgood84 0-1
Rd 8 dose7781 (1768) - Philgood84 0-1
Score: 2.5/8 Perf rating: 1548

Career Statistics

Career Score: 9.5/32 Perf rating: 1590