
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Average
The Fianchetto Fellows darksquaregames 2458 parrotz 1972 gandalf013 1836 readysteadygo 1656 KSops 1702 oddskill 1459 1884.00
The Sangfroid Sacrifice beauvain 2530 dearprudence 1903 nork 1867 tnan123 1777 chessicstudent 1680 kponds 1673 1894.20
The Chess Players Unicornz 2352 p_implies_q 2062 jimmyd7777 1926 Aprentice1 1715 Mooserohde 1643 lolitsreality 1540 1837.17
Ro Ro Ro your board TonyRo 2386 GnarlyGoat 1976 revoof 1852 freefal 1748 happy0 1617 lukhas 1615 1843.50
Knight at the Disco Atrophied 2344 kobol 2103 cactus 1872 llimllib 1701 Philgood84 1658 Petruchio 1415 1843.20
LSB on LSD carc 2204 kevban 1895 Dkillian 1915 Johnhammer1456 1707 sigvei 1738 dakillian 1559 1880.50
Blunder-Bots headisbagent 2080 end1dream 1948 AFAMMG 1940 CarlosMagnussen 1739 StriderJ 1703 ArtesMagae 1614 1809.25
Blunder-Mifflin aliquantus 2205 madatadam 2068 OuterHeaven92 1944 jivey 1843 samjjames 1748 parkerzs 1476 1916.67
Kamikaze Kings Sigrud 2239 quirked 1927 seb32 1807 Forhavu 1745 JuanSnow 1688 MrPantz 1575 1968.83
Throw in the Tal hetraie 2099 urjah 2032 InfernalJumble 1894 Star-Bearer 1745 gambytes 1732 wpruitt14 1624 1898.33
The Dirty Half-Dozen Sonata2 2179 dcwoods 2026 isaypotato 1878 Quadriculado 1792 MadLoKi 1739 Endrawes0 1563 1913.00
The Littlest Pawn Shop Ends_Mad 2204 nhmwhhxx 1961 mekhami 1913 cenotaph5 1812 Saltator 1789 advocatezz 1604 1797.33
The Stale Maids Guitarplaya 2125 EsolcNeveton 2109 R-Mena 1883 tephra 1773 lakinwecker 1629 skillet 1525 1949.40
This Shogi tournament is weird JPTriton 2230 cyanfish 2134 zirbes123 1917 Prune2000 1787 arex 1721 fradtheimpaler 1663 1870.80
The Tacticians badplayer_cm 2159 mdcard 2118 krzem 1961 Anunzio 1781 olu_dara 1612 ghostologist 1556 1899.83
Luke, use d4's! FelixNL 2194 Alegre_River 2056 MrLegilimens 1883 Boviced 1753 Theknug 1745 apetresc 1579 1869.50
The Knightmen Lasse_S 2106 s2004k1993 2083 egnyte 1832 x_0 1789 dose7781 1751 carbon752 1581 1891.00
Get Schwifty tomek188 2164 sahkal 2034 chill5555 1844 barry_stipplebanger 1780 arensma 1714 angborxley 1528 1904.00
The King's Indians linail 2245 SuperVJ 2082 Toperoco 1886 ethanpowell 1736 shetoo 1696 Festivus 1336 1905.00
Pawnography Karrotspls 2262 Archone 1965 CoachAleks 1967 metalpawn 1777 ChukoDiman 1711 sazik 1505 1863.83
Sicilian Dragons somethingpretentious 2038 jaivl 2044 Plasmacat 1908 scarff 1803 Immortality 1619 prendradjaja 1615 1906.83
The Marshall Artists Knoddel 2071 gucelli 2032 riemannn 1924 S3pp 1774 Daveyjones01 1752 pawnsac101 1393 1912.60
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg  
  ProefMijnOverwinning 2241 mhavgar 2057 hairbeRt 1943 euler105 1795 agrav123 1696 Stazzle 1598  
  makeareason 2108 dark_army 2050 tomsawyer2112 1900 serbianem 1779 CapKas 1672 handoverfist 1432  
  Mr-Space 2176 Aeilnrst 1920 noskacj 1927 Overraskning 1796 flaxl 1674 majsza 1615  
  antoyo 2132 checkmonk 1948 val1313 1852 saif_oman 1752 glbert 1644 jeffbeckistheking 1542  
  eaguiraud 2162 MoveEleven 2058 ianjf 1781 Alcewere 1811 agsastry 1660 Fulcrum 1309  
  Groundhopping 2222 Tchang1997 1995 madi1693 1914 Ivanikov 1829 streuzucker 1718 Kraaft 1514  
  giannistst12 2285 etiennelepro 2087 doberm4n 1851 chennis 1797 Forhavu 1745 john4kar 1440  
  mskh 2107 foxman2010 1958 NiceGuy123-9 1820 AraPawn 1823 CarbyPls 1638 thebishopschaplain 1600  
  Kjar 2121 Franco2000 2034 Fuzz0410 1948 ExoPrimal 1728 darkadeus 1726 arh-two 1447  
  The-Soviet-Chess 2371 JPL12 1988 Society 1857 DK_Chess 1808 Sugo_Haseyo 1767 Scribblenaut 1513  
  renatoperu 2096 VicCoren 1967 swingkyd 1825 PrawnSac 1700 horarum1 1502  
  Kross789 2496 azuaga 2008 LeonStolzz 1803 umuralp 1666 catuse 1511  
  NoNameK 2107 bandessz 2031 Arlberg 1729 ascer 1056  
  doganof 2239 AncientRo 2052 Sillah 1728  
  CALifunia2019 2181 bhirghu 2013  
  New_world 2280  
  ramz_mihailov 2226  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card