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Lichess4545 League
Season 6: 8 games for May the forks be with you !

Season 6

Rd 1 gandalf013 - FakeEmperor (1821) 1-0
Rd 2 val1313 (1817) - gandalf013 0-1
Rd 3 gandalf013 - barry_stipplebanger (1827) ½-½
Rd 4 napolean15 (1912) - gandalf013 0-1
Rd 5 gandalf013 - DK_Chess (1834) ½-½
Rd 6 gandalf013 - seb32 (1788) 1-0
Rd 7 scuzzi (1790) - gandalf013 0F-1X
Rd 8 Gary_Blackwood (1871) - gandalf013 0-1
Score: 7/8 Perf rating: 2148

Career Statistics

Career Score: 16.5/22 Perf rating: 2023