
Team Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg Average
King Fischer cyanfish 2216 bandessz 2007 h_lector 1946 tnan123 1762 sgis 1712 Tsatsa64 1409 1952.50
Isolated Puns hetraie 2150 autotelic 2011 morallygray 1958 Daveyjones01 1836 IHugoStiglitz 1744 Delpire 1684 2079.00
Truth is, Caro can't hicetnunc 2226 Benedictine 1992 Saltator 1928 revoof 1849 arex 1752 Donkey-kong16 1441 1933.75
The First Mates TonyRo 2332 quirked 2006 Archone 1909 freefal 1768 lakinwecker 1731 NoKlu 1269 1885.50
the positional trumps doganof 2253 Band_of_brothers 1963 isaypotato 1916 agrav123 1758 glbert 1607 cybercapitalist 1276 1834.50
Chessistential Crisis DETERMINATION 2398 Jg777 2033 a3516845 1936 ChukoDiman 1830 shmageggy 1670 leinax 1522 1883.67
Tartakower Sauce bojans_88 2083 nork 2000 AlternativeFork 1952 dose7781 1590 CarlosMagnussen 1682 braoncek 1444 1877.33
Knight at the Rooksbury badplayer_cm 2093 tadch 2104 chgreg 1828 Anunzio 1790 thebishopschaplain 1672 Mooserohde 1596 1963.33
8 Queen Stalemate aliquantus 2160 lrish 2003 riemannn 1940 jdpeters 1869 Wolf21 1709 Petruchio 1512 1883.33
Ragnarook lovlas 2356 GnarlyGoat 1974 Nombringer 1914 Prune2000 1836 lukhas 1669 happy0 1547 1871.17
Steel Tatas RazorBoy 2219 KFerapont 2087 dorhinj1 1961 doberm4n 1851 ianjf 1852 rsava 1457 1958.00
1-move blunder alex_slow 2331 Ben_Yeomans2 2036 Angstschreeuw 1856 robinhood76 1831 ethanpowell 1729 Festivus 1406 1836.80
Pat'z Patzers lichie 2141 chessanalyst 1971 chennis 1918 TheRatRiverTrapper 1848 DasGuntLord01 1446 enfor450 1432 1893.25
Double Lemons FelixNL 2289 CitronSauvage 2129 MrLegilimens 1908 Theknug 1837 Boviced 1818 piotor 1441 1807.25
Draw Me Like One Of Your French Giris Atrophied 2318 Kjar 2096 somethingpretentious 2077 Forhavu 1705 Immortality 1655 Endrawes0 1503 1934.40
Obvious Cheaters obvious_cheater 2271 SuperIntegration 1919 Theino 1914 Cleave 1813 JuanSnow 1630 guanm 1635 1923.80
Legalise Caruana yeyq 2168 anna_nass 2106 S3pp 1918 metalpawn 1746 iqp 1578 hive 1433 1766.60
Obsessive Chess Disorder SMC 2193 Fuzz0410 2070 sd337 1901 RaitonvsFuuton 1762 nadgob 1615 majsza 1497 1951.33
Reti or not, here we come! H_Badorties 2185 scapegoat 2061 matt_p_14 1955 x_0 1806 miikka1 1741 smothermemate 1594 1978.25
Diagonally Challenged Jin_ch 2090 CarlosSilva96 2065 krzem 1950 sigvei 1697 Glad_He_Ate_Her 1601 kristian17 1473 1703.00
Knights On-Tour-age DzeiTi 2101 toj 2052 TMaus 1999 chesshavoc 1834 PracticeForReal 1630 spuntachessTs 1305 1954.80
The Horse Whisperers kobol 2112 axp156 1993 jivey 1902 Saxton47 1831 wetdogsmell 1749 joecupojoe 1437 1866.80
Sicilian Pizzas s2004k1993 2073 Lelouch_Vi_Brittania 2026 yago666 1955 dctrip13 1904 Spiteknight 1617 Bletchlypark 1568 2023.50
24/7 Chess sahkal 2045 The_fischer_king 2002 InfernalJumble 1913 Aprentice1 1698 wikiplayschess 1674 Toffeeman 1691 1885.67
Rook n roll Alegre_River 2088 demonicringworm 1977 dearprudence 1897 ExoPrimal 1752 Paradigms 1647 qrs 1585 1984.67
God Save the Queen god666 2163 Poet1c 2162 checkmonk 1947 seb32 1785 Rose924 1626 oddskill 1611 1976.50
Blunderlust Sleightly 2188 Qualm 1986 f1nn33 1911 Asinya 1900 joebech 1593 horarum1 1572 1846.20
Insufficient Mating Material Kilderis 2079 mariuseg 2082 krispl 1843 NiSn 1809 ukester 1817 luvgangster 1668 1976.17
Paul McMorphy and the Rolling Pawns Sonata2 2193 mingpro 1991 Disastronaut 1980 sparc 1909 fradtheimpaler 1694 Napoleon_Solo 1567 1955.67
Svidler's Svindlers BenkoHater 2269 Karpovian 1997 Aaren 1884 scarff 1792 tephra 1783 warrelium 1429 1839.75
Alternates Board 1 Rtg Board 2 Rtg Board 3 Rtg Board 4 Rtg Board 5 Rtg Board 6 Rtg  
  Trexchess 2099 sombrero 2054 badatblitz 1922 SoChessGoes 1889 marshmallow55 1607 jshholland 1548  
  EtatSoeur 2113 OuterHeaven92 2020 bobwooster 1921 nicholasdrakes 1832 tworivers 1661 meracien 1410  
  NonNocere 2248 Tchang1997 2017 cacheyourdreams 1953 andrewsus 1834 bellyfuss1 1745 Something_Unique 1409  
  face_2_fesse 2153 Dimirvla 1970 YunasGuardians 1948 iebrian 1817 shetoo 1795 Catchy122 1481  
  urjah 2090 Krisslow 2033 Dkillian 1909 Superswaggin 1886 nacional100 1802 Phianon 1586  
  Klip98 2110 Happilynumb 2041 Lynnpv 1894 foxxxy_coxxxy 1833 louras 1777 Kani501 1252  
  Malamutt 2156 QuietStorm24 2001 iobates 1952 madi1693 1870 jameslatham 1798  
  iongler 2138 CaptNCarter 1960  
  mitsarasanikitos 1958  
Scheduled Unavailable Unresponsive Yellow Card Red Card