Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 8: 8 games for Scotch and Call it a Knight
Season 7 : 8 games for The First Mates

Season 8

Rd 1 TonyRo - lichie (2134) 1-0
Rd 2 ErinYu (2222) - TonyRo 0-1
Rd 3 TonyRo - FelixNL (2288) ½-½
Rd 4 foreverweak (2307) - TonyRo 1-0
Rd 5 TonyRo - hicetnunc (2196) 1-0
Rd 6 gorathger (2133) - TonyRo ½-½
Rd 7 Little_Dead_Bertha (2224) - TonyRo 0-1
Rd 8 TonyRo - hetraie (2136) ½Z-½Z
Score: 5.5/8 Perf rating: 2373

Career Statistics

Career Score: 20/28 Perf rating: 2360

Lichess4545 League Trophy Case