
Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 18 : 2 games
Season 15: 8 games for Knights of the Realm
Season 14 : 8 games for ?? #
Season 13 : 8 games for Blockaders
Season 12 : 8 games for Ruy Flopez
Season 10 : 8 games for Pawnic Attack
Season 9 : 4 games
Lichess LoneWolf
LoneWolf #13 (Open) : 11 games
LoneWolf #8 : 4 games
Lichess Blitz Battle
Blitz Battle #50 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #49 : 4 games
Blitz Battle #47 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #43 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #42 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #41 : 8 games
Blitz Battle #38 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #37 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #36 : 7 games
Blitz Battle #35 : 6 games
Lichess960 League
960 Season 3 : 4 games
960 Season 2 : 7 games

Season 15

Rd 1 Chuck_AOE (1644) - RodrigoDiazDeVivar 0-1
Rd 2 RodrigoDiazDeVivar - Delpire (1688) 1-0
Rd 3 Traxxin (1624) - RodrigoDiazDeVivar 1-0
Rd 4 RodrigoDiazDeVivar - RookTown (1700) 0F-1X
Rd 5 kostasvl (1711) - RodrigoDiazDeVivar 0-1
Rd 6 RodrigoDiazDeVivar - lapetitemort (1616) 1-0
Rd 7 oddsox (1607) - RodrigoDiazDeVivar 0-1
Rd 8 RodrigoDiazDeVivar - Jobwoge (1727) 1-0
Score: 6/8 Perf rating: 1969

Career Statistics

Career Score: 29.5/62 Perf rating: 1617