Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 26 : 2 games
Season 22: 8 games for Eat that Horse!

Season 22

Eat that Horse!
Board 5
Rd 1 Shadow008 - Herzog51 (1849) 1-0
Rd 2 jswanberg (1814) - Shadow008 1-0
Rd 3 Shadow008 - flipiflapi (1813) 1-0
Rd 4 Shadow008 - cmrobbe (1896) 0-1
Rd 5 rsmillie94 (1886) - Shadow008 1-0
Rd 6 Shadow008 - Mackjalek97 (1811) ½-½
Rd 7 Khasi1596 (1846) - Shadow008 1-0
Rd 8 Shadow008 - seius (1787) 0F-1X
Score: 2.5/8 Perf rating: 1743

Career Statistics

Career Score: 6/17 Perf rating: 1769