Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 27: 6 games for I will find you, and I will mate you
Season 25 : 5 games for The GME Bind
Lichess LoneWolf

Season 27

Rd 1 Schlabang - timmah4651 (1962) 0-1
Rd 2 Potnes (1944) - Schlabang 0-1
Rd 3 Schlabang - pic1991 (1971) ½-½
Rd 4 Bisit (1917) - Schlabang 1-0
Rd 6 Schlabang - RedzoneNova (1949) 0-1
Rd 7 Schlabang - rodeo (1927) 0-1
Score: 1.5/6 Perf rating: 1752

Career Statistics

Career Score: 6/18 Perf rating: 1845