
Other Seasons

Lichess4545 League
Season 35 : 6 games for Ding of the Hill
Season 34 : 8 games for Knookout Blow
Season 33: 6 games for Overachieving and Underpromoted
Lichess LoneWolf

Season 33

Rd 1 nerja25390 (2142) - TheChessArchives 0-1
Rd 2 TheChessArchives - Bitter_Cherry (2136) 1-0
Rd 5 SycoraxCirce (2226) - TheChessArchives 0-1
Rd 6 TheChessArchives - grenbork (2124) 1-0
Rd 7 Lelouch_Vi_Brittania (2310) - TheChessArchives 1-0
Rd 8 TheChessArchives - Kjar (2178) 1X-0F
Score: 5/6 Perf rating: 2428

Career Statistics

Career Score: 22.5/26 Perf rating: 2491