
Smack My Bishop Promote to Pawn
eamonmont (2053) ½½ doganof (2094)
quirked (1934) 01 jimmyd7777 (1989)
diamanthori (1811) 10 Nubas (1773)
infested (1750) 10 Philgood84 (1709)
crag11 (1611) 10 Mooserohde (1674)
SirDore (1629) 10 tothe6thpower (1434)
Regicide It's a Blunderful Life
resonantpillow (1994) 10 Sangan (1991)
DurchNachtUndWind (1927) 10 droodjerky (1919)
metalpawn (1816) 01 redhoax (1885)
kirschwasser (1808) 10 Cheesehead04 (1687)
Braffin (1697) 01 seb32 (1737)
ChukoDiman (1861) ½Z½Z thetasquared (1861)
Pawnbrokers 2 4 Catch-22
ecstaticbroccoli (2024) 10 kobol (1984)
dgees (1987) ½Z½Z juldiaz280992 (1974)
ebb1 (1807) 01 toj (1905)
bramminator (1758) 01 narud (1846)
OldTom (1593) 01 thephobia (1699)
tnan123 (1581) ½½ tworivers (1628)
Sicilian Dragons Zugzwangers
frogger (2014) 10 mhavgar (2104)
somethingpretentious (1925) ½½ Knoddel (1949)
jaivl (1897) 10 riemannn (1892)
scarff (1781) 01 Daveyjones01 (1806)
Immortality (1726) 01 elixr (1679)
ca7alyst81 (1624) 10 Armasfoster (1626)
Legalize Caruana 3 3 The Stale Maids
Hyzer (2021) 10 Steiger07 (1973)
morallygray (1960) 01 EsolcNeveton (1878)
krzem (1852) 10 R-Mena (1861)
cactus (1791) 01 jmaltby (1954)
jagvillspelaschack (1724) 01 Hkivrak (1676)
adamroyd (1642) 10 lakinwecker (1589)
Team N/A Sac's on the Beach
BloodyFox (1989) 01 Pawnprecaution (2380)
Cynosure (1904) 01 linail (2119)
revoof (1836) 10 Toperoco (1954)
RuizBR (1722) ½Z½Z super_sanic (1789)
lukhas (1630) 0F1X greyhawk (1690)
ElJefe08 (1527) 0F1X Festivus (1325)
All Knight Dance Party 3 3 ¡No en-pasarán!
Sjaart (2049) 01 badplayer_cm (2136)
jughandle10 (1819) ½Z½Z ventricule (1912)
Arlberg (1814) 0F1X modakshantanu (1759)
ctorh (1779) 10 alexmdaniel (1710)
DiscoverChex (1692) 10 CarlosMagnussen (1680)
angborxley (1606) ½½ Saschlars (1654)
Icy Tactics f8/Stay Knights
Atrophied (2239) ½½ JPTriton (2003)
soldadofiel (1908) 10 GnarlyGoat (1957)
sturmwehr_45 (1965) 01 Unihedron (1841)
iedopadzert (1777) 10 dooje (1692)
N4zgul (1694) 10 darobertson (1614)
greg-butts (1556) 01 fradtheimpaler (1573)
W.I.N.N.E.R.S. Chess Mates
Theino (2104) 01 Pasternak (2019)
CaptNCarter (1898) 01 flamehead (1874)
Orgsalsa (1818) 01 harrison2 (1833)
sigvei (1740) 10 nacional100 (1731)
jacobhess (1687) ½½ hakonj (1694)
Endrawes0 (1579) 01 dialh (1466)
Lemons and Lines 3 2 Knights who Say 'Nf3'
Flaneur (2181) 0F0F crabbypat (2106)
FelixNL (1972) 10 iHateRBF (1947)
MrLegilimens (1919) 01 MrIan15 (1799)
nubnub57 (1854) 10 iebrian (1796)
osskjc (1742) 0F1X jshholland (1538)
Theknug (1606) 10 Petruchio (1501)
Sac' Up Magnus Opus
SuperVJ (2076) 10 Shammies (2252)
Questoguy (2002) 01 egocrusher (1879)
MRSep (1823) 10 nonmasteralex (1834)
isaypotato (1797) 10 brwnbr (1758)
Bamabeeblebrox (1666) ½½ shafdanny (1804)
ghostologist (1500) 01 kevinlara (1421)
No Pawn Intended 1 4 The Zugzwang Clan
cyanfish (2122) ½½ Pitrinu (2250)
DannyKong (1900) 01 Kimaga (1871)
ForkerofQueens (1891) 01 jivey (1763)
djcrisce (1764) 0F0F llimllib (1733)
wpruitt14 (1591) ½Z½Z mkoga (1690)
JuanSnow (1669) 01 amacy (1215)
Disco Dancers Highway Karjaking
HoxHound (2116) ½½ Sonata2 (2144)
Jyr (1923) 10 LikesTal (1850)
kingscrusher-fan (1780) 0F0F shetoo (1793)
Anunzio (1761) 0F1X Prune2000 (1877)
agrav123 (1776) 1X0F Scottm91 (1663)
Pawnpunter (1536) 10 abdelaziz_sayed (1671)